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By: Guest | Date: Apr 15 2014 17:10 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 661 B | Hits: 786

  1. 18:54:21    Birdie › k
  2. 18:54:34    Birdie › tray boosting ppl's acc for money
  3. 18:54:36    Birdie › lets see
  4. 18:54:39    Tray › :P
  5. 18:54:52    Tray › do you want to be unbanned?
  6. 18:54:57    Tray › literally everyone in hates you lol
  7. 18:54:59    Tray › I'll unban you
  8. 18:55:02    Tray › if you'd like
  9. 18:55:21    Birdie › would you like to send riot a message ?
  10. 18:55:31    Birdie › no, i want a honest opinion
  11. 18:55:35    Tray › LOL
  12. 18:55:41    Birdie › it's not like im threatening you
  13. 18:55:43    Birdie › im pissed off
  14. 18:55:48    Tray › LMAO