Public paste
By: fucked up | Date: Mar 27 2007 11:30 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 5.38 KB | Hits: 1407

  1. [06:53:44] • Kitten slaps Jinx84 around a bit with a Victory-Class Stardestroyer
  2. [06:57:05] •›› Part: [] []
  3. [06:58:21] [Kitten] Δndra din φknamn. Den φknamn du er anvδndande tillhφr till min vδn.
  4. [06:59:25] [jinx84] sprεkdebattene gjennom de siste hundre εr har vulgζrsprεk
  5. [07:00:18] •›› Join: [jinx84:#PokemonUnion] []
  6. [07:00:23] •›› Part: [jinx84:#PokemonUnion] []
  7. [07:00:30] [Kitten] #0x33
  8. [07:01:07] [jinx84] Hδr visas 2 underkategorier till denna kategori, fler kan finnas pε tidigare eller senare sidor
  9. [07:01:12] [jinx84] hδr hδr hδr
  10. [07:01:32] [jinx84] 1, de dφme
  11. [07:01:44] [jinx84] 2, de shlφhe
  12. [07:02:03] [jinx84] der r only 10 kinds of people
  13. [07:02:07] [jinx84] those who are smart, and those are not
  14. [07:02:39] [Kitten] noob change your nick
  15. [07:02:58] [jinx84] hφr hφr
  16. [07:05:07] [jinx84] qui joue cette jeux gai ?
  17. [07:05:09] [jinx84] lol
  18. [07:06:09] [Kitten] speak english -.-
  19. [07:06:19] [jinx84] i no speka english
  20. [07:06:21] [jinx84] pls gool
  21. [07:06:23] [jinx84] pls goool
  22. [07:06:25] [jinx84] pls goooool
  23. [07:06:29] [Kitten] change your nick
  24. [07:06:53] •›› Nick: [Kitten] is now known as [NewNickNameNoob]
  25. [07:06:53] •›› Notify: [Kitten] is now offline
  26. [07:06:54] •›› Nick: [NewNickNameNoob] is now known as [Kitten]
  27. [07:06:54] * Kitten is on IRC
  28. [07:06:59] •›› Info: [tray_studyON] highlighted you in [#section1]: hi kitten
  29. [07:06:59] [Kitten] /nick NewNickNameNoob
  30. [07:07:34] [jinx84]
  31. [07:07:58] •›› Info: [djingis] highlighted you in [#section2]: nicky predicted 12 hours total duration, i predicted 11
  32. [07:08:01] •›› Info: [YuPYuP] highlighted you in [#section1]: waves @ kitten
  33. [07:08:21] [Kitten] who the fuck are you
  34. [07:08:40] [jinx84]
  35. [07:09:21] [Kitten] seriousl
  36. [07:09:23] [Kitten] y
  37. [07:09:25] [Kitten] who are you
  38. [07:09:57] [jinx84]
  39. [07:10:24] •›› Info: [tray_studyON] highlighted you in [#0x33]: Kitten
  40. [07:10:58] [Kitten] just tell me who the hell you are -.-
  41. [07:11:28] [jinx84] y u so scare of gold
  42. [07:11:29] [jinx84] goooool
  43. [07:11:33] [jinx84] i pls want gooooool
  44. [07:11:36] •›› Info: [Wakizashiuk] highlighted you in [#0x33]: Kitten
  45. [07:12:09] [Kitten] I'm not afraid of gold... Not afraid of anything... I just want to know who my stalker is
  46. [07:12:19] [jinx84] u think u have stalker
  47. [07:12:25] [jinx84] u so arrogαnt
  48. [07:12:33] [jinx84] nobody want stlak u
  49. [07:12:45] [jinx84] u like a man with no hair
  50. [07:13:01] [Kitten] well then explain to me why you feel the need to use jinx's name and why you know my first name...
  51. [07:13:13] [Kitten] are you the same person who hacked my photobucket also?
  52. [07:13:23] [Kitten] and deleted images of my niece that I can NEVER get back?
  53. [07:13:23] •›› No such nickname: [Jinx84]
  54. [07:13:37] •›› Nick: [JinX||ZzzZzz] is now known as [JinX84]
  55. [07:15:24] •›› Info: [jinx83]/[] opened a query with you: i know u photobucket though
  56. [07:15:24] •››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››› ››››› ››› ›› ›› ›› › ›
  57. [07:15:24] •›› jinx83 is "Mensa"
  58. [07:15:24] •›› jinx83 is
  59. [07:15:24] •›› jinx83 using *, [QuakeNet IRC Server]
  60. [07:15:24] •›› jinx83 is authed as [Mensa]
  61. [07:15:24] •››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››› ››››› ››› ›› ›› ›› › ›
  63. [07:13:42] •››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››› ››››› ››› ›› ›› ›› › ›
  64. [07:13:42] •›› Info: Query with [jin84]/ opened on [Tuesday, March 27th 2007, 07:13:42].
  65. [07:13:42] •›› Info: Total queries: [42]/[~6.4 per day]
  66. [07:13:42] •›› Info: Queries today: [6]
  67. [07:13:42] •››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››› ››››› ››› ›› ›› ›› › ›
  69. [07:13:42] [jin84] maybe
  70. [07:13:45] [jin84] hello
  71. [07:13:52] [jin84] hmmmmmme
  72. [07:13:56] [jin84] no, who hack photobucket
  73. [07:13:56] [jin84] that lame
  74. [07:13:58] [Kitten] [07:13:13] [Kitten] are you the same person who hacked my photobucket also?
  75. [07:13:58] [Kitten] [07:13:23] [Kitten] and deleted images of my niece that I can NEVER get back?
  76. [07:14:00] [jin84] i no use photbocuket
  77. [07:14:24] [jin84] no, i not know u photobucket
  78. [07:15:02] •››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››› ››››› ››› ›› ›› ›› › ›
  79. [07:15:02] •›› jin84 is "Mensa"
  80. [07:15:02] •›› jin84 is
  81. [07:15:02] •›› jin84 using *, [QuakeNet IRC Server]
  82. [07:15:02] •›› jin84 is authed as [Mensa]
  83. [07:15:02] •››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››› ››››› ››› ›› ›› ›› › ›
  85. [07:15:24] •››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››› ››››› ››› ›› ›› ›› › ›
  86. [07:15:24] •›› Info: Query with [jinx83]/ opened on [Tuesday, March 27th 2007, 07:15:24].
  87. [07:15:24] •›› Info: Total queries: [43]/[~6.5 per day]
  88. [07:15:24] •›› Info: Queries today: [7]
  89. [07:15:24] •››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››› ››››› ››› ›› ›› ›› › ›
  91. [07:15:24] [jinx83] i know u photobucket though
  92. [07:15:30] [jinx83] i looked it once
  93. [07:15:36] [jinx83] maybe i have picture in temporary
  94. [07:15:49] •››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››› ››››› ››› ›› ›› ›› › ›
  95. [07:15:49] •›› jinx83 is "Mensa"
  96. [07:15:49] •›› jinx83 is
  97. [07:15:49] •›› jinx83 using *, [QuakeNet IRC Server]
  98. [07:15:49] •›› jinx83 is authed as [Mensa]
  99. [07:15:49] •›› jinx83 has been idle for [13secs], signed on [1hr 36mins 12secs] ago
  100. [07:15:49] •››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››› ››››› ››› ›› ›› ›› › ›
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