By: Xmoo | Date: May 13 2009 14:43 | Format: PHP | Expires: never | Size: 3.31 KB | Hits: 1216
- <?php
- $user = $_SESSION['username'];
- $location = "files/";
- $check = $_SESSION['username']; + "-" + $_FILES['upload']['name'];
- $check2 = $_SESSION['username']; + "-2" + $_FILES['upload']['name'];
- echo "<font class='kop'>File Upload</font><br><br>";
- {
- if($_FILES['upload']['size']>640000)
- {
- echo "<img src='images/pointers/delete.png' alt='ERROR' border='0'> <b>File to BIG! (Max 500kb allowed)</b>";
- exit;
- }
- {
- echo "<img src='images/pointers/delete.png' alt='ERROR' border='0'> <b>Wrong extension! (JPG, GIF & PNG allowed!)</b>";
- exit;
- }
- if(!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'],$location.$user."-".$_FILES['upload']['name']))
- echo"<img src='images/pointers/delete.png' alt='ERROR' border='0'> <b>File could not move!</b>";
- exit;
- }
- else {
- echo "<br><img src='images/pointers/view.png' alt='SUCCES' border='0'> <b>The File: <a href='".$location."".$user."-".$_FILES['upload']['name']."' target='_blank'>".$user."-".$_FILES['upload']['name']."</a> Has Been Uploaded!</b>
- <br><br><br>
- <b>URL:</b><br>
- <input type='text' name='url' size='59' onclick='javascript:url.focus();;' value='".$location."".$user."-".$_FILES['upload']['name']."' READONLY/>
- <br><br>
- <b>Link:</b><br>
- <textarea name='textarea' onclick='javascript:textarea.focus();;' cols='45' rows='4' READONLY>
- [url]".$location."".$user."-".$_FILES['upload']['name']."[/url]</textarea>
- <br><br>
- <b>Link with title:</b><br>
- <textarea name='textarea' onclick='javascript:textarea.focus();;' cols='45' rows='4' READONLY>
- [url=".$location."".$user."-".$_FILES['upload']['name']."]".$user."".$_FILES['upload']['name']."[/url]</textarea>
- <br><br>
- <b>Image:</b><br>
- <textarea name='textarea' onclick='javascript:textarea.focus();;' cols='45' rows='4' READONLY>
- [img]".$location."".$user."-".$_FILES['upload']['name']."[/img]</textarea>
- <br><br>
- <b>Thumbnail:</b><br>
- <textarea name='textarea' onclick='javascript:textarea.focus();;' cols='45' rows='4' READONLY>
- [thumb]".$location."".$user."-".$_FILES['upload']['name']."[/thumb]</textarea>
- <br><br>
- <b>Image link:</b><br>
- <textarea name='textarea' onclick='javascript:textarea.focus();;' cols='45' rows='4' READONLY>
- [link]".$location."".$user."-".$_FILES['upload']['name']."[/link]</textarea>";
- } else { echo "<img src='images/pointers/delete.png' alt='ERROR' border='0'> <b>The Upload has failed!</b>"; }
- } } else {
- echo '<center><form method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
- <b>File:</b> <input type="file" name="upload" size="50" /><br/> <br/>
- <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload!" /></form></center>';
- }
- ?>
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