Public paste
By: Guest | Date: Jan 6 2018 21:11 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 460 B | Hits: 851

  1. 220 bftpd 4.2 at ready.
  2.        USER anonymous
  3. 331 Password please.
  4.        PASS (password not shown)
  5. 230 User logged in.
  6.        FEAT
  7. 211-Extensions supported:
  8. XPWD
  9. EPRT
  10. EPSV
  11. ALLO
  12. APPE
  13. MDTM
  14. XCWD
  15. XCUP
  16. XMKD
  17. XRMD
  18. REST
  19. SIZE
  20. FEAT
  21. UTF8
  22. 211 End
  23.        PWD
  24. 257 "/" is the current working directory.
  25.        TYPE A
  26. 200 Transfer type changed to ASCII
  27.        PASV
  28. 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,2,39,16)
  29.        LIST
  30.        QUIT