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test for biggie
By: NG|xeoN | Date: Nov 20 2006 19:02 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 1.18 KB | Hits: 1368

  1. on *:TEXT:X18 *:#:{
  2.     if ($2 == adduser) {
  3.      if ($readini(bot.users.ini,$chan,$address($3,2)) == owner) {
  4.       if ($3 == owner) {
  5.         writeini bot.users.ini $chan $address($4,2) owner
  6.         .timer 1 1 .notice $nick User added with hostmask: $address($4,2)
  7.         .timer 1 2 .notice $nick You've been added to the bot with hostmask: $address($4,2)
  8.         .timer 1 3 halt
  9.       }
  10.       if ($3 == master) {
  11.         writeini bot.users.ini $chan $address($4,2) master
  12.         .timer 1 1 .notice $nick User added with hostmask: $address($4,2)
  13.         .timer 1 2 .notice $nick You've been added to the bot with hostmask: $address($4,2)
  14.         .timer 1 3 halt
  15.       }
  16.       if ($3 == op) {
  17.         writeini bot.users.ini $chan $address($4,2) op
  18.         .timer 1 1 .notice $nick User added with hostmask: $address($4,2)
  19.         .timer 1 2 .notice $nick You've been added to the bot with hostmask: $address($4,2)
  20.         .timer 1 3 halt
  21.       }
  22.       .timer 1 1 .notice $nick Flags: owner $+ , master $+ , op
  23.       .timer 1 2 .notice $nick Usage: X18 adduser <flag> <nick>
  24.       .timer 1 3 .notice $nick Example: X18 adduser master fishbot
  25.       .timer 1 4 halt
  26.    }
  27.   }
  28.  }
  29. }