Public paste
By: loliebolli | Date: Dec 1 2006 20:12 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 422 B | Hits: 1453

  1. on *:TEXT:$($me $+ *):#:{
  2.   if ($readini(userlist.ini,$chan,$address($nick,2)) == owner) || ($readini(userlist.ini,global,$address($nick,2)) == owner) {
  3.   if ($2 == addmaster) {
  4.     writeini userlist.ini $chan $address($3,2) master
  5.     notice $nick added $3 as a master in $chan. He has acces to my commands now
  6.     notice $3 You have been added as a master in $chan and you have acces to my commands.
  7.   }
  8.  }
  9. }