- on *:text:*:?: {
- if ($1 == request) {
- set %request. $+ $gettok($2,1,44) $nick
- if ($3 == ($readini(bots.ini,bots,$3) != channelbot)) {
- notice %request. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] You didn't request a valid #channelbots bot.
- notice %request. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Try again using a valid #channelbots nick.
- close -m $nick
- }
- elseif (Q !ison $2) && (L !ison $2) {
- timer1 1 1 join $2
- timer2 1 2 notice %request. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] You don't Have L or Q on your channel.
- timer3 1 3 notice %request. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Try again when your chan has a Quakenet Servicebot.
- timer4 1 4 part $2 Request Failed. Powerd by #channelbots
- timer5 1 5 msg #biggie.dev $2 has been refused : No L,Q on channel.
- }
- elseif (%request. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] !isop $2) {
- timer6 1 1 join $2
- timer7 1 2 notice %request. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] You dont have OP on $2 request refused
- timer8 1 3 part $2 Request Failed. Powerd by #channelbots
- timer9 1 4 msg #biggie.dev $2 has been refused : $nick didn't had OP there.
- }
- else {
- writeini data/requests.ini $2 $address($nick,2) $3 granted
- timer15 1 1 join $2)
- timer16 1 2 notice %request. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Your request has been granted
- timer17 1 3 notice %request. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Note : a #channelbots admin will chek the channel again to be sure it meets all the requirements.
- timer18 1 4 msg #biggie.dev request granted for $nick with channel $2 adding bot $3 now
- timer19 1 5 msg $3 addchannel $2
- }
- }
- }
By: loliebollie | Date: Dec 9 2006 21:38 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 1.51 KB | Hits: 1412
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