- Demmink case
- Joris Demmink (secretary general of the justice department, highest ranking officer) has been accused several times of child abuse. 4 Victims have come forward and they have all been labeled unreliable by the police.
- First victim who came forward was in the middle of giving his statement when already a press release was given that he was lying and getting paid by a journalist who still categorically denies that.
- In the nineties we had the Zandvoort case (Rolodex). The research team stumbled into high officials apparently involved in child rape. All of a sudden they were told to stop researching.
- The case has links to the Dutroux ring and there is some suggestion it has links to a German boy Michael Schawab who allegedly was killed during the making of a childporn movie.
- There is a high amount of suspicious deaths around this case by PPL who could have given evidence.
- About Turkey
- Two Turkish boys have come forward who say they were raped by Demmink in the nineties when they were minors. Here's a testimony http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_GHRtcHh8Q
- A Turkish policeman confirms their story http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvdvdUMw-9U&feature=relmfu
- Baybasin a Turkish person who serves a life sentence in the Netherlands claims the Turkish government has proof about these rapes and blackmailed the government of the Netherlands into sending him away for life.
- The case will be retried since a high judge decided there are reasons to believe some things went wrong in that trial.
- The lawyer of Baybasin amongst others gave a testimony to an international committee last week. Here's the transcript http://www.csce.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContentRecords.ViewTranscript&ContentRecord_id=531&ContentType=H,B&ContentRecordType=B&CFID=9291713&CFTOKEN=29459677
- Point is Demmink claims he was never in Turkey in the nineties. Traveling files from before 2000 are said to have been deleted.
- Government claims they looked into it but the opposition claims Demmink has multiple passports with different names.
- Demmink has admitted to journalists he likes young boys and doesn't always ask for their age but he categorically denies searching for minors or having hurt them.
- There's a whole lot of misty crap around the Demmink files. There's even a whole youtube channel JDTV with 100 episodes just about this case.
- There are claims the royals are involved in satanic child rape and murder and even Soros.
- Mostly these claims are based on some sort of free association missing evidence. When you dig into that you keep on running into the same question: Where's the proof?
- Of course this case has all the ingredients to attract every conspiracy nutter.
- I reckon most interesting part and most plausible getting some results is the Turkey case.
- If there was any blackmail there should be proof about that. That starts with placing Demmink in Turkey in the nineties which he denies.
By: Guest | Date: Oct 9 2012 08:32 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 2.88 KB | Hits: 962
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