Public paste
By: lol | Date: Dec 10 2006 18:03 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 507 B | Hits: 1388

  1. alias stat {
  2.   var %op,%power,%voice,%total, %i = $chan(0) , %chans = %i
  3.   while (%i) {
  4.     inc %total $nick($chan(%i),0)
  5.     if ($me isop $chan(%i)) { inc %op | inc %power $nick($chan(%i),0) }
  6.     if ($me !isop $chan(%i) && $me isvoice $chan(%i)) { inc %voice | inc %power $nick($chan(%i),0,r,ov) }
  7.     dec %i
  8.   }
  9.   { msg $chan I am currently in %chans channels. I have op in $calc(%op) and voice in $calc(%voice) channels. I currently have power over $calc(%power) of the $calc(%total) users. }
  10. }