Public paste
By: Super Tip-Topper | Date: Mar 24 2010 18:49 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 4.51 KB | Hits: 1213

  1. 13woutie13 (H/D):
  2. Soy Cuba – Reinbo
  3. Mou Gaan Dou – Knisper
  4. Central do Brasil (1998) – Observator
  5. ? - Rogierb007
  6. Miller's Crossing – Bottleneck
  7. Oldboy - the pope
  8. Dalkomhan Insaeng (2005) – maxcom
  9. 21 Grams - DVD-T
  10. Per Qualche Dollaro in Piω (1965) - Chevy
  12. Bottleneck:
  13. American Beauty – Reinbo
  14. Carlito's Way - 13woutie13
  15. Walkabout – Knisper
  16. Brψken, The (2008) – Observator
  17. Midnight Cowboy - Rogierb007
  18. Dawn of the Dead (1978) - the pope
  19. The Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover (1989) – maxcom
  20. Dark City - DVD-T
  21. Donnie Brasco (1997) - Chevy
  23. Chevy93 (D):
  24. Dog Day Afternoon – Reinbo
  25. Raging Bull - 13woutie13
  26. El Maquinista – Knisper
  27. Halloween (1978) – Observator
  28. American Beauty - Rogierb007
  29. Jacob's Ladder – Bottleneck
  30. Alien - the pope
  31. Du Rififi chez les Hommes (1955) – maxcom
  32. The Prestige - DVD-T
  34. DeCol:
  35. Menace II Society – Reinbo
  36. Amores Perros - 13woutie13
  37. Abre los Ojos – Knisper
  38. Dog Day Afternoon (1975) – Observator
  39. Aliens - Rogierb007
  40. ΐ l'Intιrieur – Bottleneck
  41. Magnolia - the pope
  42. Bangkok Dangerous (1999) – maxcom
  43. JFK - DVD-T
  44. Apocalypse Now (1979) - Chevy
  46. DVD-T (D/K):
  47. Salaire de la Peur, Le (maar niet de ingekleurde versie) - Reinbo
  48. Amadeus - 13woutie13
  49. Toto le Hιros – Knisper
  50. One Point O (2004) – Observator
  51. Central do Brasil - Rogierb007
  52. Deliverance – Bottleneck
  53. Calvaire - the pope
  54. Nashan Naren Nagou (1999) – maxcom
  55. Antichrist (2009) - Chevy
  57. Erwinner:
  58. Shor Cuts - Reinbo
  59. El Laberinto del Fauno - 13woutie13
  60. Hana to Arisu – Knisper
  61. Filles du Botaniste, Les (2006) – Observator
  62. MR73 - Rogierb007
  63. Philosophy of a Knife – Bottleneck
  64. Summer of Sam - the pope
  65. Le Premier Jour du Reste de Ta Vie (2008) – maxcom
  66. La Citι des Enfants Perdus - DVD-T
  67. Into The Wild (2007) - Chevy
  69. Film Pegasus (H/K):
  70. Limey, The – Reinbo
  71. Nuovo Cinema Paradiso - 13woutie13
  72. The Lovely Bones – Knisper
  73. Jeux d'Enfants (2003) – Observator
  74. Stalker – Bottleneck
  75. Paprika - the pope
  76. Seppuku (1962) – maxcom
  77. Gake no Ue no Ponyo - DVD-T
  78. Strangers on a Train (1951) - Chevy
  80. Knisper (H/D):
  81. Taxi Driver – Reinbo
  82. Efter Brylluppet
  83. Heaven's Door (2009) – Observator
  84. Deliverance - Rogierb007
  85. Shutter Island – Bottleneck
  86. (500) Days of Summer - the pope
  87. Wilde Mossels (2000) – maxcom
  88. Allegro - DVD-T
  89. Taken (2008) - Chevy
  91. maxcomthrilla (H/K):
  92. Sien Nui Yau Wan – Reinbo
  93. Match point - 13woutie13
  94. Shimotsuma Monogatari – Knisper
  95. Jam Films S (2004) – Observator
  96. Gran Torino - Rogierb007
  97. Skjult – Bottleneck
  98. Haunting, The (1963) - the pope
  99. Lεt den Rδtte Komma In - DVD-T
  100. Barry Lyndon (1975) - Chevy
  102. Niveath:
  103. Don't Look Now – Reinbo
  104. Rocky - 13woutie13
  105. Carrie – Knisper
  106. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007) – Observator
  107. ? - Rogierb007
  108. Talvisota – Bottleneck
  109. Thelma & Louise - the pope
  110. Vivre Sa Vie: Film en Douze Tableaux (1962) – maxcom
  111. The Station Agent - DVD-T
  112. Banlieue 13 (2004) - Chevy
  114. Observator (D/K):
  115. Transe – Reinbo
  116. Mδn Som Hatar Kvinnor - 13woutie13
  117. The Man Who Copied – Knisper
  118. De Grψnne Slagtere - Rogierb007
  119. Scaphandre et le Papillon, Le – Bottleneck
  120. Angel Heart - the pope
  121. Shinkokyϋ no Hitsuyτ (2004) - maxcom
  122. Jin-Rτ - DVD-T
  123. Philadelphia (1993) - Chevy
  125. Rogierb007 (D):
  126. Frighteners, The (1996) – Reinbo
  127. Saw - 13woutie13
  128. Shichinin no Samurai – Knisper
  129. Sometimes in April (2005) – Observator
  130. Rise of the Footsoldier – Bottleneck
  131. Van God Los - the pope
  132. Lola Rennt (1998) – maxcom
  133. Twelve Monkeys - DVD-T
  134. Inside Man (2006) - Chevy
  136. skitz0frenix (D/K):
  137. Platoon – Reinbo
  138. Hooligans - 13woutie13
  139. Memento – Knisper
  140. Twelve Monkeys (1995) – Observator
  141. Saving Private Ryan - Rogierb007
  142. Dead Man's Shoes – Bottleneck
  143. Departed, The - the pope
  144. Ghost World (2001) – maxcom
  145. There Will Be Blood - DVD-T
  146. Full Metal Jacket (1985) - Chevy
  148. The pope (H/K):
  149. Idi i Smotri (1985) – Reinbo
  150. Papillon - 13woutie13
  151. Pi – Knisper
  152. Sheitan (2006) - Observator
  153. Goodfellas - Rogierb007
  154. Janghwa, Hongryeon – Bottleneck
  155. Being John Malkovich (1999) – maxcom
  156. Avatar - DVD-T
  157. Vertigo (1958) - Chevy
  159. Turkeyloverz (D/H):
  160. Bitter Moon - Reinbo
  161. the Wrestler - 13woutie13
  162. Haze – Knisper
  163. Jacket, The (2005) – Observator
  164. Arlington Road - Rogierb007
  165. Deceiver (a.k.a. Liar) – Bottleneck
  166. Haine, La - the pope
  167. Natural Born Killers (1994) – maxcom
  168. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
  169. Cube (1997) - Chevy
  171. Reinbo:
  172. Die Ehe der Maria Braun - 13woutie13
  173. Kan Door Huid Heen – Knisper
  174. Himmel όber Berlin, Der (1987) – Observator
  175. Harry Brown - Rogierb007
  176. Trouble Every Day – Bottleneck
  177. Pandorum - the pope
  178. Not Quite Hollywood: The Wild, Untold Story of Ozploitation! (2008)
  179. Dung Fong Tuk Ying - DVD-T
  180. Trou, Le (1960) - Chevy
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