- local client = client
- local currentZone = nil
- local MenuItemId = nil
- local ManagementItemIDs = {
- Gang = nil,
- Boss = nil
- }
- local reloadSkinTimer = GetGameTimer()
- local TargetPeds = {
- Store = {},
- ClothingRoom = {},
- PlayerOutfitRoom = {}
- }
- local Zones = {
- Store = {},
- ClothingRoom = {},
- PlayerOutfitRoom = {}
- }
- local function RemoveTargetPeds(peds)
- for i = 1, #peds, 1 do
- DeletePed(peds[i])
- end
- end
- local function RemoveTargets()
- if Config.EnablePedsForShops then
- RemoveTargetPeds(TargetPeds.Store)
- else
- for k, v in pairs(Config.Stores) do
- Target.RemoveZone(v.type .. k)
- end
- end
- if Config.EnablePedsForClothingRooms then
- RemoveTargetPeds(TargetPeds.ClothingRoom)
- else
- for k, v in pairs(Config.ClothingRooms) do
- Target.RemoveZone("clothing_" .. (v.job or v.gang) .. k)
- end
- end
- if Config.EnablePedsForPlayerOutfitRooms then
- RemoveTargetPeds(TargetPeds.PlayerOutfitRoom)
- else
- for k in pairs(Config.PlayerOutfitRooms) do
- Target.RemoveZone("playeroutfitroom_" .. k)
- end
- end
- end
- local function RemoveZones()
- for i = 1, #Zones.Store do
- Zones.Store[i]:remove()
- end
- for i = 1, #Zones.ClothingRoom do
- Zones.ClothingRoom[i]:remove()
- end
- for i = 1, #Zones.PlayerOutfitRoom do
- Zones.PlayerOutfitRoom[i]:remove()
- end
- end
- local function LoadPlayerUniform()
- lib.callback("illenium-appearance:server:getUniform", false, function(uniformData)
- if not uniformData then
- return
- end
- if Config.BossManagedOutfits then
- local result = lib.callback.await("illenium-appearance:server:getManagementOutfits", false, uniformData.type, Framework.GetGender())
- local uniform = nil
- for i = 1, #result, 1 do
- if result[i].name == uniformData.name then
- uniform = {
- type = uniformData.type,
- name = result[i].name,
- model = result[i].model,
- components = result[i].components,
- props = result[i].props,
- disableSave = true,
- }
- break
- end
- end
- if not uniform then
- TriggerServerEvent("illenium-appearance:server:syncUniform", nil) -- Uniform doesn't exist anymore
- return
- end
- TriggerEvent("illenium-appearance:client:changeOutfit", uniform)
- else
- local outfits = Config.Outfits[uniformData.jobName][uniformData.gender]
- local uniform = nil
- for i = 1, #outfits, 1 do
- if outfits[i].name == uniformData.label then
- uniform = outfits[i]
- break
- end
- end
- if not uniform then
- TriggerServerEvent("illenium-appearance:server:syncUniform", nil) -- Uniform doesn't exist anymore
- return
- end
- uniform.jobName = uniformData.jobName
- uniform.gender = uniformData.gender
- TriggerEvent("illenium-appearance:client:loadJobOutfit", uniform)
- end
- end)
- end
- local function RemoveManagementMenuItems()
- if ManagementItemIDs.Boss then
- exports["qb-management"]:RemoveBossMenuItem(ManagementItemIDs.Boss)
- end
- if ManagementItemIDs.Gang then
- exports["qb-management"]:RemoveGangMenuItem(ManagementItemIDs.Gang)
- end
- end
- local function AddManagementMenuItems()
- local eventName = "illenium-appearance:client:OutfitManagementMenu"
- local menuItem = {
- header = "Outfit Management",
- icon = "fa-solid fa-shirt",
- params = {
- event = eventName,
- args = {
- backEvent = eventName
- }
- }
- }
- menuItem.txt = "Manage outfits for Job"
- menuItem.params.args.type = "Job"
- ManagementItemIDs.Boss = exports["qb-management"]:AddBossMenuItem(menuItem)
- menuItem.txt = "Manage outfits for Gang"
- menuItem.params.args.type = "Gang"
- ManagementItemIDs.Gang = exports["qb-management"]:AddGangMenuItem(menuItem)
- end
- local function RemoveRadialMenuOption()
- if MenuItemId then
- exports["qb-radialmenu"]:RemoveOption(MenuItemId)
- MenuItemId = nil
- end
- end
- function InitAppearance()
- Framework.UpdatePlayerData()
- lib.callback("illenium-appearance:server:getAppearance", false, function(appearance)
- if not appearance then
- return
- end
- client.setPlayerAppearance(appearance)
- if Config.PersistUniforms then
- LoadPlayerUniform()
- end
- end)
- ResetBlips()
- if Config.BossManagedOutfits then
- AddManagementMenuItems()
- end
- RestorePlayerStats()
- end
- AddEventHandler("onResourceStart", function(resource)
- if resource == GetCurrentResourceName() then
- InitAppearance()
- end
- end)
- AddEventHandler("onResourceStop", function(resource)
- if resource == GetCurrentResourceName() then
- if Config.UseTarget and Target.IsTargetStarted() then
- RemoveTargets()
- else
- RemoveZones()
- end
- if Config.UseRadialMenu and GetResourceState("qb-radialmenu") == "started" then
- RemoveRadialMenuOption()
- end
- if Config.BossManagedOutfits and GetResourceState("qb-management") == "started" then
- RemoveManagementMenuItems()
- end
- end
- end)
- local function getNewCharacterConfig()
- local config = GetDefaultConfig()
- config.enableExit = false
- config.ped = Config.NewCharacterSections.Ped
- config.headBlend = Config.NewCharacterSections.HeadBlend
- config.faceFeatures = Config.NewCharacterSections.FaceFeatures
- config.headOverlays = Config.NewCharacterSections.HeadOverlays
- config.components = Config.NewCharacterSections.Components
- config.props = Config.NewCharacterSections.Props
- config.tattoos = not Config.RCoreTattoosCompatibility and Config.NewCharacterSections.Tattoos
- return config
- end
- function InitializeCharacter(gender, onSubmit, onCancel)
- local skin = "mp_m_freemode_01"
- if gender == "Female" then
- skin = "mp_f_freemode_01"
- end
- client.setPlayerModel(skin)
- -- Fix for tattoo's appearing when creating a new character
- local ped = PlayerPedId()
- client.setPedTattoos(ped, {})
- client.setPedComponents(ped, Config.InitialPlayerClothes[gender].Components)
- client.setPedProps(ped, Config.InitialPlayerClothes[gender].Props)
- client.setPedHair(ped, Config.InitialPlayerClothes[gender].Hair, {})
- ClearPedDecorations(ped)
- local config = getNewCharacterConfig()
- client.startPlayerCustomization(function(appearance)
- if (appearance) then
- TriggerServerEvent("illenium-appearance:server:saveAppearance", appearance)
- if onSubmit then
- onSubmit()
- end
- elseif onCancel then
- onCancel()
- end
- Framework.CachePed()
- end, config)
- end
- function OpenShop(config, isPedMenu, shopType)
- lib.callback("illenium-appearance:server:hasMoney", false, function(hasMoney, money)
- if not hasMoney and not isPedMenu then
- lib.notify({
- title = "Cannot Enter Shop",
- description = "Not enough cash. Need $" .. money,
- type = "error",
- position = Config.NotifyOptions.position
- })
- return
- end
- client.startPlayerCustomization(function(appearance)
- if appearance then
- if not isPedMenu then
- TriggerServerEvent("illenium-appearance:server:chargeCustomer", shopType)
- end
- TriggerServerEvent("illenium-appearance:server:saveAppearance", appearance)
- else
- lib.notify({
- title = "Cancelled Customization",
- description = "Customization not saved",
- type = "inform",
- position = Config.NotifyOptions.position
- })
- end
- Framework.CachePed()
- end, config)
- end, shopType)
- end
- local function OpenClothingShop(isPedMenu)
- local config = GetDefaultConfig()
- config.components = true
- config.props = true
- if isPedMenu then
- config.ped = true
- config.headBlend = true
- config.faceFeatures = true
- config.headOverlays = true
- config.tattoos = not Config.RCoreTattoosCompatibility and true
- end
- OpenShop(config, isPedMenu, "clothing")
- end
- local function OpenBarberShop()
- local config = GetDefaultConfig()
- config.headOverlays = true
- OpenShop(config, false, "barber")
- end
- local function OpenTattooShop()
- local config = GetDefaultConfig()
- config.tattoos = true
- OpenShop(config, false, "tattoo")
- end
- local function OpenSurgeonShop()
- local config = GetDefaultConfig()
- config.headBlend = true
- config.faceFeatures = true
- OpenShop(config, false, "surgeon")
- end
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:openClothingShop", OpenClothingShop)
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:importOutfitCode", function()
- local response = lib.inputDialog("Enter outfit code", {
- {
- type = "input",
- label = "Name the Outfit",
- placeholder = "A nice outfit",
- default = "Imported Outfit"
- },
- {
- type = "input",
- label = "Outfit Code",
- placeholder = "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
- }
- })
- if not response then
- return
- end
- local outfitName = response[1]
- local outfitCode = response[2]
- if outfitCode ~= nil then
- Wait(500)
- lib.callback("illenium-appearance:server:importOutfitCode", false, function(success)
- if success then
- lib.notify({
- title = "Outfit Imported",
- description = "You can now change to the outfit using the outfit menu",
- type = "success",
- position = Config.NotifyOptions.position
- })
- else
- lib.notify({
- title = "Import Failure",
- description = "Invalid outfit code",
- type = "error",
- position = Config.NotifyOptions.position
- })
- end
- end, outfitName, outfitCode)
- end
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:generateOutfitCode", function(id)
- lib.callback("illenium-appearance:server:generateOutfitCode", false, function(code)
- if not code then
- lib.notify({
- title = "Something went wrong",
- description = "Code generation failed for the outfit",
- type = "error",
- position = Config.NotifyOptions.position
- })
- return
- end
- lib.setClipboard(code)
- lib.inputDialog("Outfit Code Generated", {
- {
- type = "input",
- label = "Here is your outfit code",
- default = code,
- disabled = true
- }
- })
- end, id)
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:saveOutfit", function()
- local response = lib.inputDialog("Name your outfit", {
- {
- type = "input",
- label = "Outfit Name",
- placeholder = "Very cool outfit"
- }
- })
- if not response then
- return
- end
- local outfitName = response[1]
- if outfitName ~= nil then
- Wait(500)
- lib.callback("illenium-appearance:server:getOutfits", false, function(outfits)
- local outfitExists = false
- for i = 1, #outfits, 1 do
- if outfits[i].name == outfitName then
- outfitExists = true
- break
- end
- end
- if outfitExists then
- lib.notify({
- title = "Save Failed",
- description = "Outfit with this name already exists",
- type = "error",
- position = Config.NotifyOptions.position
- })
- return
- end
- local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
- local pedModel = client.getPedModel(playerPed)
- local pedComponents = client.getPedComponents(playerPed)
- local pedProps = client.getPedProps(playerPed)
- TriggerServerEvent("illenium-appearance:server:saveOutfit", outfitName, pedModel, pedComponents, pedProps)
- end)
- end
- end)
- local function RegisterChangeOutfitMenu(id, parent, outfits, mType)
- local changeOutfitMenu = {
- id = id,
- title = "Change Outfit",
- menu = parent,
- options = {}
- }
- for i = 1, #outfits, 1 do
- changeOutfitMenu.options[#changeOutfitMenu.options + 1] = {
- title = outfits[i].name,
- description = outfits[i].model,
- event = "illenium-appearance:client:changeOutfit",
- args = {
- type = mType,
- name = outfits[i].name,
- model = outfits[i].model,
- components = outfits[i].components,
- props = outfits[i].props,
- disableSave = mType and true or false
- }
- }
- end
- lib.registerContext(changeOutfitMenu)
- end
- local function RegisterGenerateOutfitCodeMenu(id, parent, outfits)
- local generateOutfitCodeMenu = {
- id = id,
- title = "Generate Outfit Code",
- menu = parent,
- options = {}
- }
- for i = 1, #outfits, 1 do
- generateOutfitCodeMenu.options[#generateOutfitCodeMenu.options + 1] = {
- title = outfits[i].name,
- description = outfits[i].model,
- event = "illenium-appearance:client:generateOutfitCode",
- args = outfits[i].id
- }
- end
- lib.registerContext(generateOutfitCodeMenu)
- end
- local function RegisterDeleteOutfitMenu(id, parent, outfits, deleteEvent)
- local deleteOutfitMenu = {
- id = id,
- title = "Delete Outfit",
- menu = parent,
- options = {}
- }
- for i = 1, #outfits, 1 do
- deleteOutfitMenu.options[#deleteOutfitMenu.options + 1] = {
- title = 'Delete "' .. outfits[i].name .. '"',
- description = "Model: " .. outfits[i].model .. (outfits[i].gender and (" - Gender: " .. outfits[i].gender) or ""),
- event = deleteEvent,
- args = outfits[i].id
- }
- end
- lib.registerContext(deleteOutfitMenu)
- end
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:OutfitManagementMenu", function(args)
- local bossMenuEvent = "qb-bossmenu:client:OpenMenu"
- if args.type == "Gang" then
- bossMenuEvent = "qb-gangmenu:client:OpenMenu"
- end
- local outfits = lib.callback.await("illenium-appearance:server:getManagementOutfits", false, args.type, Framework.GetGender())
- local managementMenuID = "illenium_appearance_outfit_management_menu"
- local changeManagementOutfitMenuID = "illenium_appearance_change_management_outfit_menu"
- local deleteManagementOutfitMenuID = "illenium_appearance_delete_management_outfit_menu"
- RegisterChangeOutfitMenu(changeManagementOutfitMenuID, managementMenuID, outfits, args.type)
- RegisterDeleteOutfitMenu(deleteManagementOutfitMenuID, managementMenuID, outfits, "illenium-appearance:client:DeleteManagementOutfit")
- local managementMenu = {
- id = managementMenuID,
- title = "👔 | Manage " .. args.type .. " Outfits",
- options = {
- {
- title = "Change Outfit",
- description = "Pick from any of your currently saved " .. args.type .. " outfits",
- menu = changeManagementOutfitMenuID,
- },
- {
- title = "Save current Outfit",
- description = "Save your current outfit as " .. args.type .. " outfit",
- event = "illenium-appearance:client:SaveManagementOutfit",
- args = args.type
- },
- {
- title = "Delete Outfit",
- description = "Delete a saved " .. args.type .. " outfit",
- menu = deleteManagementOutfitMenuID,
- },
- {
- title = "Return",
- icon = "fa-solid fa-angle-left",
- event = bossMenuEvent
- }
- }
- }
- lib.registerContext(managementMenu)
- lib.showContext(managementMenuID)
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:SaveManagementOutfit", function(mType)
- local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
- local outfitData = {
- Type = mType,
- Model = client.getPedModel(playerPed),
- Components = client.getPedComponents(playerPed),
- Props = client.getPedProps(playerPed)
- }
- local rankValues
- if mType == "Job" then
- outfitData.JobName = client.job.name
- rankValues = Framework.GetRankInputValues("job")
- else
- outfitData.JobName = client.gang.name
- rankValues = Framework.GetRankInputValues("gang")
- end
- local dialogResponse = lib.inputDialog("Management Outfit Details", {
- {
- label = "Outfit Name",
- type = "input",
- },
- {
- label = "Gender",
- type = "select",
- options = {
- {
- label = "Male", value = "male"
- },
- {
- label = "Female", value = "female"
- }
- },
- default = "male"
- },
- {
- label = "Minimum Rank",
- type = "select",
- options = rankValues,
- default = "0"
- }
- })
- if not dialogResponse then
- return
- end
- outfitData.Name = dialogResponse[1]
- outfitData.Gender = dialogResponse[2]
- outfitData.MinRank = tonumber(dialogResponse[3])
- TriggerServerEvent("illenium-appearance:server:saveManagementOutfit", outfitData)
- end)
- local function RegisterWorkOutfitsListMenu(id, parent, menuData)
- local menu = {
- id = id,
- menu = parent,
- title = "Work Outfits",
- options = {}
- }
- local event = "illenium-appearance:client:loadJobOutfit"
- if Config.BossManagedOutfits then
- event = "illenium-appearance:client:changeOutfit"
- end
- if menuData then
- for _, v in pairs(menuData) do
- menu.options[#menu.options + 1] = {
- title = v.name,
- event = event,
- args = v
- }
- end
- end
- lib.registerContext(menu)
- end
- function OpenMenu(isPedMenu, menuType, menuData)
- local mainMenuID = "illenium_appearance_main_menu"
- local mainMenu = {
- id = mainMenuID
- }
- local menuItems = {}
- local outfits = lib.callback.await("illenium-appearance:server:getOutfits", false)
- local changeOutfitMenuID = "illenium_appearance_change_outfit_menu"
- local deleteOutfitMenuID = "illenium_appearance_delete_outfit_menu"
- local generateOutfitCodeMenuID = "illenium_appearance_generate_outfit_code_menu"
- RegisterChangeOutfitMenu(changeOutfitMenuID, mainMenuID, outfits)
- RegisterDeleteOutfitMenu(deleteOutfitMenuID, mainMenuID, outfits, "illenium-appearance:client:deleteOutfit")
- RegisterGenerateOutfitCodeMenu(generateOutfitCodeMenuID, mainMenuID, outfits)
- local outfitMenuItems = {
- {
- title = "Change Outfit",
- description = "Pick from any of your currently saved outfits",
- menu = changeOutfitMenuID
- },
- {
- title = "Save New Outfit",
- description = "Save a new outfit you can use later on",
- event = "illenium-appearance:client:saveOutfit"
- },
- {
- title = "Generate Outfit Code",
- description = "Generate an outfit code for sharing",
- menu = generateOutfitCodeMenuID
- },
- {
- title = "Delete Outfit",
- description = "Delete any of your saved outfits",
- menu = deleteOutfitMenuID
- },
- {
- title = "Import Outfit",
- description = "Import an outfit from a sharing code",
- event = "illenium-appearance:client:importOutfitCode"
- }
- }
- if menuType == "default" then
- local header = "Buy Clothing - $" .. Config.ClothingCost
- if isPedMenu then
- header = "Change Clothing"
- end
- mainMenu.title = "👔 | Clothing Store Options"
- menuItems[#menuItems + 1] = {
- title = header,
- description = "Pick from a wide range of items to wear",
- event = "illenium-appearance:client:openClothingShop",
- args = isPedMenu
- }
- for i = 0, #outfitMenuItems, 1 do
- menuItems[#menuItems + 1] = outfitMenuItems[i]
- end
- elseif menuType == "outfit" then
- mainMenu.title = "👔 | Outfit Options"
- for i = 0, #outfitMenuItems, 1 do
- menuItems[#menuItems + 1] = outfitMenuItems[i]
- end
- elseif menuType == "job-outfit" then
- mainMenu.title = "👔 | Outfit Options"
- menuItems[#menuItems + 1] = {
- title = "Civilian Outfit",
- description = "Put on your clothes",
- event = "illenium-appearance:client:reloadSkin"
- }
- local workOutfitsMenuID = "illenium_appearance_work_outfits_menu"
- RegisterWorkOutfitsListMenu(workOutfitsMenuID, mainMenuID, menuData)
- menuItems[#menuItems + 1] = {
- title = "Work Outfits",
- description = "Pick from any of your work outfits",
- menu = workOutfitsMenuID
- }
- end
- mainMenu.options = menuItems
- lib.registerContext(mainMenu)
- lib.showContext(mainMenuID)
- end
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:openClothingShopMenu", function(isPedMenu)
- if type(isPedMenu) == "table" then
- isPedMenu = false
- end
- OpenMenu(isPedMenu, "default")
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:OpenBarberShop", function()
- OpenBarberShop()
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:OpenTattooShop", function()
- OpenTattooShop()
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:OpenSurgeonShop", function()
- OpenSurgeonShop()
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:changeOutfit", function(data)
- local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
- local pedModel = client.getPedModel(playerPed)
- local appearanceDB
- if pedModel ~= data.model then
- local p = promise.new()
- lib.callback("illenium-appearance:server:getAppearance", false, function(appearance)
- BackupPlayerStats()
- if appearance then
- client.setPlayerAppearance(appearance)
- RestorePlayerStats()
- else
- lib.notify({
- title = "Something went wrong",
- description = "The outfit that you're trying to change to, does not have a base appearance",
- type = "error",
- position = Config.NotifyOptions.position
- })
- end
- p:resolve(appearance)
- end, data.model)
- appearanceDB = Citizen.Await(p)
- else
- appearanceDB = client.getPedAppearance(playerPed)
- end
- if appearanceDB then
- playerPed = PlayerPedId()
- client.setPedComponents(playerPed, data.components)
- client.setPedProps(playerPed, data.props)
- client.setPedHair(playerPed, appearanceDB.hair, appearanceDB.tattoos)
- if data.disableSave then
- TriggerServerEvent("illenium-appearance:server:syncUniform", {
- type = data.type,
- name = data.name
- }) -- Is a uniform
- else
- local appearance = client.getPedAppearance(playerPed)
- TriggerServerEvent("illenium-appearance:server:saveAppearance", appearance)
- end
- Framework.CachePed()
- end
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:DeleteManagementOutfit", function(id)
- TriggerServerEvent("illenium-appearance:server:deleteManagementOutfit", id)
- lib.notify({
- title = "Success",
- description = "Outfit Deleted",
- type = "success",
- position = Config.NotifyOptions.position
- })
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:deleteOutfit", function(id)
- TriggerServerEvent("illenium-appearance:server:deleteOutfit", id)
- lib.notify({
- title = "Success",
- description = "Outfit Deleted",
- type = "success",
- position = Config.NotifyOptions.position
- })
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:openJobOutfitsMenu", function(outfitsToShow)
- OpenMenu(nil, "job-outfit", outfitsToShow)
- end)
- local function InCooldown()
- return (GetGameTimer() - reloadSkinTimer) < Config.ReloadSkinCooldown
- end
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:reloadSkin", function()
- local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
- if InCooldown() or Framework.CheckPlayerMeta() or IsPedInAnyVehicle(playerPed, true) or IsPedFalling(playerPed) then
- lib.notify({
- title = "Error",
- description = "You cannot use reloadskin right now",
- type = "error",
- position = Config.NotifyOptions.position
- })
- return
- end
- reloadSkinTimer = GetGameTimer()
- BackupPlayerStats()
- lib.callback("illenium-appearance:server:getAppearance", false, function(appearance)
- if not appearance then
- return
- end
- client.setPlayerAppearance(appearance)
- if Config.PersistUniforms then
- TriggerServerEvent("illenium-appearance:server:syncUniform", nil)
- end
- RestorePlayerStats()
- end)
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:ClearStuckProps", function()
- if InCooldown() or Framework.CheckPlayerMeta() then
- lib.notify({
- title = "Error",
- description = "You cannot use clearstuckprops right now",
- type = "error",
- position = Config.NotifyOptions.position
- })
- return
- end
- reloadSkinTimer = GetGameTimer()
- local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
- for _, v in pairs(GetGamePool("CObject")) do
- if IsEntityAttachedToEntity(playerPed, v) then
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(v, true, true)
- DeleteObject(v)
- DeleteEntity(v)
- end
- end
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("qb-radialmenu:client:onRadialmenuOpen", function()
- if not currentZone then
- RemoveRadialMenuOption()
- return
- end
- local event, title
- if currentZone.name == "clothingRoom" then
- event = "illenium-appearance:client:OpenClothingRoom"
- title = "Clothing Room"
- elseif currentZone.name == "playerOutfitRoom" then
- event = "illenium-appearance:client:OpenPlayerOutfitRoom"
- title = "Player Outfits"
- elseif currentZone.name == "clothing" then
- event = "illenium-appearance:client:openClothingShopMenu"
- title = "Clothing Shop"
- elseif currentZone.name == "barber" then
- event = "illenium-appearance:client:OpenBarberShop"
- title = "Barber Shop"
- elseif currentZone.name == "tattoo" then
- event = "illenium-appearance:client:OpenTattooShop"
- title = "Tattoo Shop"
- elseif currentZone.name == "surgeon" then
- event = "illenium-appearance:client:OpenSurgeonShop"
- title = "Surgeon Shop"
- end
- MenuItemId = exports["qb-radialmenu"]:AddOption({
- id = "open_clothing_menu",
- title = title,
- icon = "shirt",
- type = "client",
- event = event,
- shouldClose = true
- }, MenuItemId)
- end)
- local function isPlayerAllowedForOutfitRoom(outfitRoom)
- local isAllowed = false
- local count = #outfitRoom.citizenIDs
- for i = 1, count, 1 do
- if Framework.IsPlayerAllowed(outfitRoom.citizenIDs[i]) then
- isAllowed = true
- break
- end
- end
- return isAllowed or not outfitRoom.citizenIDs or count == 0
- end
- local function OpenOutfitRoom(outfitRoom)
- local isAllowed = isPlayerAllowedForOutfitRoom(outfitRoom)
- if isAllowed then
- TriggerEvent("qb-clothing:client:openOutfitMenu")
- end
- end
- local function getPlayerJobOutfits(clothingRoom)
- local outfits = {}
- local gender = Framework.GetGender()
- local gradeLevel = clothingRoom.job and Framework.GetJobGrade() or Framework.GetGangGrade()
- local jobName = clothingRoom.job and client.job.name or client.gang.name
- if Config.BossManagedOutfits then
- local mType = clothingRoom.job and "Job" or "Gang"
- local result = lib.callback.await("illenium-appearance:server:getManagementOutfits", false, mType, gender)
- for i = 1, #result, 1 do
- outfits[#outfits + 1] = {
- type = mType,
- model = result[i].model,
- components = result[i].components,
- props = result[i].props,
- disableSave = true,
- name = result[i].name
- }
- end
- else
- for i = 1, #Config.Outfits[jobName][gender], 1 do
- for _, v in pairs(Config.Outfits[jobName][gender][i].grades) do
- if v == gradeLevel then
- outfits[#outfits + 1] = Config.Outfits[jobName][gender][i]
- outfits[#outfits].gender = gender
- outfits[#outfits].jobName = jobName
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return outfits
- end
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:OpenClothingRoom", function()
- local clothingRoom = Config.ClothingRooms[currentZone.index]
- local outfits = getPlayerJobOutfits(clothingRoom)
- TriggerEvent("illenium-appearance:client:openJobOutfitsMenu", outfits)
- end)
- RegisterNetEvent("illenium-appearance:client:OpenPlayerOutfitRoom", function()
- local outfitRoom = Config.PlayerOutfitRooms[currentZone.index]
- OpenOutfitRoom(outfitRoom)
- end)
- local function CheckDuty()
- return not Config.OnDutyOnlyClothingRooms or (Config.OnDutyOnlyClothingRooms and client.job.onduty)
- end
- local function lookupZoneIndexFromID(zones, id)
- for i = 1, #zones do
- if zones[i].id == id then
- return i
- end
- end
- end
- local function onStoreEnter(data)
- local index = lookupZoneIndexFromID(Zones.Store, data.id)
- local store = Config.Stores[index]
- local jobName = (store.job and client.job.name) or (store.gang and client.gang.name)
- if jobName == (store.job or store.gang) then
- currentZone = {
- name = store.type,
- index = index
- }
- local prefix = Config.UseRadialMenu and "" or "[E] "
- if currentZone.name == "clothing" then
- lib.showTextUI(prefix .. "Clothing Store - Price: $" .. Config.ClothingCost, Config.TextUIOptions)
- elseif currentZone.name == "barber" then
- lib.showTextUI(prefix .. "Barber - Price: $" .. Config.BarberCost, Config.TextUIOptions)
- elseif currentZone.name == "tattoo" then
- lib.showTextUI(prefix .. "Tattoo Shop - Price: $" .. Config.TattooCost, Config.TextUIOptions)
- elseif currentZone.name == "surgeon" then
- lib.showTextUI(prefix .. "Plastic Surgeon - Price: $" .. Config.SurgeonCost, Config.TextUIOptions)
- end
- end
- end
- local function onClothingRoomEnter(data)
- local index = lookupZoneIndexFromID(Zones.ClothingRoom, data.id)
- local clothingRoom = Config.ClothingRooms[index]
- local jobName = clothingRoom.job and client.job.name or client.gang.name
- if jobName == (clothingRoom.job or clothingRoom.gang) then
- if CheckDuty() or clothingRoom.gang then
- currentZone = {
- name = "clothingRoom",
- index = index
- }
- local prefix = Config.UseRadialMenu and "" or "[E] "
- lib.showTextUI(prefix .. "Clothing Room", Config.TextUIOptions)
- end
- end
- end
- local function onPlayerOutfitRoomEnter(data)
- local index = lookupZoneIndexFromID(Zones.PlayerOutfitRoom, data.id)
- local playerOutfitRoom = Config.PlayerOutfitRooms[index]
- local isAllowed = isPlayerAllowedForOutfitRoom(playerOutfitRoom)
- if isAllowed then
- currentZone = {
- name = "playerOutfitRoom",
- index = index
- }
- local prefix = Config.UseRadialMenu and "" or "[E] "
- lib.showTextUI(prefix .. "Outfits", Config.TextUIOptions)
- end
- end
- local function onZoneExit()
- currentZone = nil
- lib.hideTextUI()
- end
- local function SetupZone(store, onEnter, onExit)
- if Config.RCoreTattoosCompatibility and store.type == "tattoo" then
- return
- end
- if Config.UseRadialMenu or store.usePoly then
- return lib.zones.poly({
- points = store.points,
- debug = Config.Debug,
- onEnter = onEnter,
- onExit = onExit
- })
- end
- return lib.zones.box({
- coords = store.coords,
- size = store.size,
- rotation = store.rotation,
- debug = Config.Debug,
- onEnter = onEnter,
- onExit = onExit
- })
- end
- local function SetupStoreZones()
- for _, v in pairs(Config.Stores) do
- Zones.Store[#Zones.Store + 1] = SetupZone(v, onStoreEnter, onZoneExit)
- end
- end
- local function SetupClothingRoomZones()
- for _, v in pairs(Config.ClothingRooms) do
- Zones.ClothingRoom[#Zones.ClothingRoom + 1] = SetupZone(v, onClothingRoomEnter, onZoneExit)
- end
- end
- local function SetupPlayerOutfitRoomZones()
- for _, v in pairs(Config.PlayerOutfitRooms) do
- Zones.PlayerOutfitRoom[#Zones.PlayerOutfitRoom + 1] = SetupZone(v, onPlayerOutfitRoomEnter, onZoneExit)
- end
- end
- local function SetupZones()
- SetupStoreZones()
- SetupClothingRoomZones()
- SetupPlayerOutfitRoomZones()
- end
- local function EnsurePedModel(pedModel)
- RequestModel(pedModel)
- while not HasModelLoaded(pedModel) do
- Wait(10)
- end
- end
- local function CreatePedAtCoords(pedModel, coords, scenario)
- pedModel = type(pedModel) == "string" and joaat(pedModel) or pedModel
- EnsurePedModel(pedModel)
- local ped = CreatePed(0, pedModel, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z - 0.98, coords.w, false, false)
- TaskStartScenarioInPlace(ped, scenario, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(ped, true)
- SetEntityVisible(ped, true)
- SetEntityInvincible(ped, true)
- PlaceObjectOnGroundProperly(ped)
- SetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents(ped, true)
- return ped
- end
- local function SetupStoreTarget(targetConfig, action, k, v)
- local parameters = {
- options = {{
- type = "client",
- action = action,
- icon = targetConfig.icon,
- label = targetConfig.label
- }},
- distance = targetConfig.distance,
- rotation = v.rotation
- }
- if Config.EnablePedsForShops then
- TargetPeds.Store[k] = CreatePedAtCoords(v.targetModel or targetConfig.model, v.coords, v.targetScenario or targetConfig.scenario)
- Target.AddTargetEntity(TargetPeds.Store[k], parameters)
- else
- Target.AddBoxZone(v.type .. k, v.coords, v.size, parameters)
- end
- end
- local function SetupStoreTargets()
- for k, v in pairs(Config.Stores) do
- local targetConfig = Config.TargetConfig[v.type]
- local action
- if v.type == "barber" then
- action = OpenBarberShop
- elseif v.type == "clothing" then
- action = function()
- TriggerEvent("illenium-appearance:client:openClothingShopMenu")
- end
- elseif v.type == "tattoo" then
- action = OpenTattooShop
- elseif v.type == "surgeon" then
- action = OpenSurgeonShop
- end
- if not (Config.RCoreTattoosCompatibility and v.type == "tattoo") then
- SetupStoreTarget(targetConfig, action, k, v)
- end
- end
- end
- local function SetupClothingRoomTargets()
- for k, v in pairs(Config.ClothingRooms) do
- local targetConfig = Config.TargetConfig["clothingroom"]
- local action = function()
- local outfits = getPlayerJobOutfits(v)
- TriggerEvent("illenium-appearance:client:openJobOutfitsMenu", outfits)
- end
- local parameters = {
- options = {{
- type = "client",
- action = action,
- icon = targetConfig.icon,
- label = targetConfig.label,
- canInteract = v.job and CheckDuty or nil,
- job = v.job,
- gang = v.gang
- }},
- distance = targetConfig.distance,
- rotation = v.rotation
- }
- if Config.EnablePedsForClothingRooms then
- TargetPeds.ClothingRoom[k] = CreatePedAtCoords(v.targetModel or targetConfig.model, v.coords, v.targetScenario or targetConfig.scenario)
- Target.AddTargetEntity(TargetPeds.ClothingRoom[k], parameters)
- else
- local key = "clothing_" .. (v.job or v.gang) .. k
- Target.AddBoxZone(key, v.coords, v.size, parameters)
- end
- end
- end
- local function SetupPlayerOutfitRoomTargets()
- for k, v in pairs(Config.PlayerOutfitRooms) do
- local targetConfig = Config.TargetConfig["playeroutfitroom"]
- local parameters = {
- options = {{
- type = "client",
- action = function()
- OpenOutfitRoom(v)
- end,
- icon = targetConfig.icon,
- label = targetConfig.label,
- canInteract = function()
- return isPlayerAllowedForOutfitRoom(v)
- end
- }},
- distance = targetConfig.distance,
- rotation = v.rotation
- }
- if Config.EnablePedsForPlayerOutfitRooms then
- TargetPeds.PlayerOutfitRoom[k] = CreatePedAtCoords(v.targetModel or targetConfig.model, v.coords, v.targetScenario or targetConfig.scenario)
- Target.AddTargetEntity(TargetPeds.ClothingRoom[k], parameters)
- else
- Target.AddBoxZone("playeroutfitroom_" .. k, v.coords, v.size, parameters)
- end
- end
- end
- local function SetupTargets()
- SetupStoreTargets()
- SetupClothingRoomTargets()
- SetupPlayerOutfitRoomTargets()
- end
- local function ZonesLoop()
- Wait(1000)
- while true do
- local sleep = 1000
- if currentZone then
- sleep = 5
- if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then
- if currentZone.name == "clothingRoom" then
- local clothingRoom = Config.ClothingRooms[currentZone.index]
- local outfits = getPlayerJobOutfits(clothingRoom)
- TriggerEvent("illenium-appearance:client:openJobOutfitsMenu", outfits)
- elseif currentZone.name == "playerOutfitRoom" then
- local outfitRoom = Config.PlayerOutfitRooms[currentZone.index]
- OpenOutfitRoom(outfitRoom)
- elseif currentZone.name == "clothing" then
- TriggerEvent("illenium-appearance:client:openClothingShopMenu")
- elseif currentZone.name == "barber" then
- OpenBarberShop()
- elseif currentZone.name == "tattoo" then
- OpenTattooShop()
- elseif currentZone.name == "surgeon" then
- OpenSurgeonShop()
- end
- end
- end
- Wait(sleep)
- end
- end
- CreateThread(function()
- if Config.UseTarget then
- SetupTargets()
- else
- SetupZones()
- if not Config.UseRadialMenu then
- ZonesLoop()
- end
- end
- end)

By: Guest | Date: Feb 2 2023 02:53 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 40.46 KB | Hits: 249
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