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By: noworky | Date: Dec 10 2008 21:29 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 1.3 KB | Hits: 1405

  1. 61 TLV-11's OK.
  2. Sending a REG-REQ to the CMTS...
  3. Received a REG-RSP message from the CMTS...
  4. 0x000050f0 [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::RegRspMsgEvent:  (CmDocsisCtlThread) We registered with a DOCSIS 1.1 config file!
  5. Registration complete!
  6. Process CVC
  7. Co-signer CVC verified
  8. CVC's validated
  9. DOCSIS CoS/QoS rate shaping enable is now 1
  10.   CmSnmpAgent::CmOperationalEvent for SB5101 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support
  11. CmSnmpAgent operating in 1.1 mode, including docsQos, excluding docsBpi
  12. +++ No DH kickstart profiles or snmpCommunityTable entries installed.
  13.     We will operate in NMACCESS mode.
  14. SB5101 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to docsisNmAccessView
  15. SB5101 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support enabling management.
  16. SB5101 CM Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support sending deferred traps...
  17. Done w/ deferred traps.
  18. SB5101 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support disabling management.
  19. SB5101 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support defering traps.
  20. SB5101 CPE Agent w/ BRCM Factory Support setting V1/V2 view to docsisNmAccessView
  21. 0x0000512c [CmDocsisCtlThread] BcmCmDocsisCtlThread::TestAndLaunchBpkm:  (CmDocsisCtlThread) BPKM enabled. starting BPKM key requests.
  22. SB5101 CM Event Log sending deferred async messages...
  23. Done w/ deferred msgs
  24. Logging event: Auth Reject - Permanent Authorization Failure