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asuka oper script
By: KingChaos | Date: Jan 11 2007 23:03 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 2.76 KB | Hits: 1531

  1. ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  2. ;: CopyRight 2006/2007©          ::
  3. ;: Script made by KingChaos      ::
  4. ;: visit #KingChaos              ::
  5. ;: Opmode script for asuka IRC OP::
  6. ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  8.  menu nicklist {
  9. opmode selected users
  10.  .op://var %x = 1, %y = 6 | while ([ [ $ [ $+ [ %x ] ] ] ]) { opmode $chan +oooooo $($+($,%x,-,%y),4) | inc %x 6 | inc %y 6 }
  11.  .deop://var %x = 1, %y = 6 | while ([ [ $ [ $+ [ %x ] ] ] ]) { opmode $chan -oooooo $($+($,%x,-,%y),4) | inc %x 6 | inc %y 6 }
  12.  .ban://opmode $chan +b $address($1,2)
  13.  .unban://opmode $chan -b $address($1,2)
  14.  .voice://var %x = 1, %y = 6 | while ([ [ $ [ $+ [ %x ] ] ] ]) { opmode $chan +vvvvvv $($+($,%x,-,%y),4) | inc %x 6 | inc %y 6 }
  15.  .devoice:var %x = 1, %y = 6 | while ([ [ $ [ $+ [ %x ] ] ] ]) { opmode $chan -vvvvvv $($+($,%x,-,%y),4) | inc %x 6 | inc %y 6 }
  16.  .deopAll://clearmode $chan o
  17.  .devoiceAll://clearmode $chan v
  18. }
  20. menu * {
  21. Opingserv Commands
  22.  .kick (reason) ://msg O kick $chan $1 $$?="kick reason"
  23.  .kick://msg O kick $chan $1
  24.  .kickall://msg O clearchan #chan 1 $$?="kick reason"
  25.  .gline user://msg o gline $address($1,0) $$?="duration?" $$?="gline reason"
  26.  .gline channel://msg o gline #chan $$?="duration" $$?="reason"
  27.  .degline user/channel://msg o ungline $$?="address/channel?"
  28.  .clearchan://msg O clearchan $chan $$?="type (1 is kicking, 2 means killing, 3 means glining user@host, 4 means glining *@host)" $$?="duration" $$?="reason"
  29.  .broadcast://msg o broadcast $$?="message to broadcast"
  30. }
  32. menu channel {
  33. Opmode active channel
  34.  .+m (+moderated)://opmode $chan +m
  35.  .-m (-moderated)://opmode $chan -m
  36.  .+t (Only ops set topic)://opmode $chan +t
  37.  .-t (everyone is able to set topic) ://opmode $chan -t
  38.  .+n (no external messages) ://opmode $chan +n
  39.  .-n (external messages are allowed) ://opmode $chan -n
  40.  .+p (+Private) ://opmode $chan +p
  41.  .-p (-Private) ://opmode $chan -p
  42.  .+s (+Secret) ://opmode $chan +s
  43.  .-s (-Secret) ://opmode $chan -s
  44.  .+i (+Invite only) ://opmode $chan +i
  45.  .-i (-Invite only) ://opmode $chan -i
  46.  .+r (+Authed only) ://opmode $chan +r
  47.  .-r (-Authed only) ://opmode $chan +r
  48.  .+D (+Delay) ://opmode $chan +D
  49.  .-D (-Delay) ://opmode $chan -D
  50.  .+c (Block colors) ://opmode $chan +c
  51.  .-c (Unblock colors) ://opmode $chan -c
  52.  .+C (No ctcp messages in the channel) ://opmode $chan +C
  53.  .-C (Ctcp messages are allowed) ://opmode $chan -C
  54.  .+N (No notice messages in the channel) ://opmode $chan +N
  55.  .-N (Notice messages are allowed) ://opmode $chan -N
  56.  .+u (Block quit messages) ://opmode $chan +u
  57.  .-u (Unblock quit messages) ://opmode $chan -u
  58.  .clearbans://clearmode $chan b
  59.  .massban://opmode $chan +b *!*@*
  60.  .lock the channel://opmode $chan +imlk 1 locked
  61.  .clearmodes://opmode $chan -mispCrDcNulk *
  62.  .recover://clearmode $chan
  63. }