Public paste
By: Guest | Date: Mar 4 2010 15:16 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 500 B | Hits: 837

  1. on *:text:Erfolg: Du hast *:#: {
  2.   %kanaal =
  3.   if (%kanaal = $chan) {
  4.     HALT
  5.   }
  6.   else {    
  7.     var %bullets $remove($8-,$chr(44),.)
  8.     /msg $chan 14[4Bullet Info14]: 4 $nick  14has buyed 4 $4  14 bullets with an average price of 4 $round( $calc(%bullets / $4), 0) 14 a Bullet !
  9.     /timer 1 3300 /msg $chan 4 $nick 14 You can buy bullets again in 4 5 14 minutes.
  10.     /timer 1 3600 /msg $chan 4 $nick 14 You can buy bullets again gogogo you need more
  11.   }
  12. }