Public paste
By: jazy | Date: Sep 21 2007 01:04 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 431 B | Hits: 1270

  1. ./testTest
  2. month looks good.....
  3. month looks good
  4. year looks good.....
  5. Julian date: 2445705
  6. //Using the Constructor dateType(m,d,y)
  7. Enter the following....
  8. Month: 1
  9. Day: 5
  10. Year: 1950
  11. month looks good.....
  12. month looks good
  13. year looks good.....
  14. JulianDate: 2433287
  15. Increment it by 1
  16. JulianDate: 2433288
  17. Days to other date :-12417 // Think he wanted this in absolute value look up the abs() function.
  18. mini:~/tmp $