By: Guest | Date: Mar 27 2010 08:15 | Format: PHP | Expires: never | Size: 5.55 KB | Hits: 966
- Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in ... on line 40
- >> private function __construct()
- >> ...
- >> self::$CONSTRUCTEUR =& ILLI_Constructeur::init($this);
- Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in ... on line 59
- >> public static function init()
- >> ...
- >> self::$SELF =& new self;
- <?PHP
- {
- private static $SELF = NULL;
- private static $CONSTRUCTEUR = NULL;
- private function __clone(){}
- private function __construct()
- {
- self::$CONSTRUCTEUR =& ILLI_Constructeur::init($this);
- }
- public static function init()
- {
- (
- (
- (
- )
- )
- );
- self::$SELF =& new self;
- return self::$SELF;
- }
- public function run()
- {
- self::$CONSTRUCTEUR->run($this);
- }
- public function get_Constructeur()
- {
- return self::$CONSTRUCTEUR;
- }
- }
- ?>
- Strict Standards: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in ... on line 115
- >> public static function init(ILLI $ILLI)
- >> ...
- >> if(NULL === self::$SELF)
- >> self::$SELF =& new self;
- <?PHP
- FINAL CLASS ILLI_Constructeur
- {
- private static $Instances = NULL;
- private static $SELF = NULL;
- private static $initialized = FALSE;
- private static $executed = FALSE;
- private static $applicationProfile = '';
- private function __construct()
- {
- self::$Instances = new ILLI_Container;
- self::set_Instance(new ILLI_Container_Configuration)
- // register the accepted offset-types for all settings
- // name of application
- // this allows you to use a single-installation of ILLI for several apps; default is localhost
- -> set_Rule('string','APPLICATION_PROFILE')
- // min/max-php-version
- // php-ini
- -> set_Rule('array', 'PHP_INI')
- // aparse incoming get-vars
- // todo: move that into routing
- -> set_Rule('array', 'CLEANVARS_GET')
- // accepted vars, but hide for parsing
- -> set_Rule('array', 'CLEANVARS_GET_IGNORE')
- // allow ILLI to kill all unregistred vars
- // allow only incoming get if client accept session-cookie
- // aparse incoming post-vars
- // todo: move that into routing
- -> set_Rule('array', 'CLEANVARS_POST')
- // accepted vars, but hide for parsing
- -> set_Rule('array', 'CLEANVARS_POST_IGNORE')
- // allow ILLI to kill all unregistred vars
- // allow only incoming post if client accept session-cookie
- // env-mode-tolerance; defaults are PRODUCTION and DEVELOPMENT
- // url-deep-path; for root set = '/'
- -> set_Rule('string','BASE_DEVELOPMENT')
- -> set_Rule('string','BASE_PRODUCTION')
- // select layout-dir for view
- -> set_Rule('string','LAYOUT')
- // show errors and exception only for defined i.p.
- -> set_Rule('array', 'DEVELOPMENT_IP')
- // will redirect all requests to self-repaired, clean uri
- -> set_Rule('bool', 'FORWARD_TO_REPAIRED_URI')
- // page-encoding; this is global for pageoutput and form-accepted-charset
- -> set_Rule('string','ENCODING')
- // set cache timeouts for filetypes
- // @to0do: move that value into routing-table
- -> set_Rule('array', 'CLIENT_CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE')
- -> set_Rule('array', 'CLIENT_CACHE_PRAGMA_CACHE');
- }
- public static function get_Instance($name)
- {
- self::set_Instance(new $name);
- return self::$Instances->{'_'.$name};
- }
- public static function set_Instance(ILLI_Container_Interface $instance)
- {
- try
- {
- throw new Exception
- }
- catch(ILLI_Constructeur_Exception $e){$e->w();}
- }
- /**
- * init Constructeur and ILLI-Instances
- *
- *
- */
- public static function init(ILLI $ILLI)
- {
- try
- {
- if(FALSE === self::$initialized)
- self::$initialized = TRUE;
- else throw new ILLI_Constructeur_Exception
- ('ILLI already initialized..');
- if(NULL === self::$SELF)
- self::$SELF =& new self;
- //self::$SELF->setup();
- return self::$SELF;
- }
- catch(ILLI_Constructeur_Exception $e){$e->w();}
- }
- /**
- * execute Constructeur and ILLI-Instances
- *
- *
- */
- public function run(ILLI $ILLI)
- {
- try
- {
- if(FALSE === self::$initialized)
- throw new ILLI_Constructeur_Exception
- ('ILLI not initialized..');
- if(FALSE === self::$executed)
- self::$executed = TRUE;
- else throw new ILLI_Constructeur_Exception
- ('Can not execute ILLI again.');
- }
- catch(ILLI_Constructeur_Exception $e){$e->w();}
- return self::$SELF;
- }
- }
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