- SRO MMOSITE Screenshots contest
- We will try to hold an Screen shot Contest each 14 days. The themes will be selected by the moderators.
- How to Participate
- You must have an registered account to MMOSITE. You can submit screenshots through MMOSITE space channel; and the Silkroad online space is here( [url]http://space.mmosite.com/modules/photo/category.php?gid=178[/url] ). You need to select Silkroad Online and choose the right Category, and include "sro1" in the "Tags" (so that we'll know the screenshot is for Silkroad Screenshot Contest).
- General Rules:
- l. Contest will begin on Feb. 5th, 2007.
- 2. All Screenshots must be submitted before Feb. 15th, 2007 11:59PM (GMT)
- 3. Winners will be announced on September 18th, 2006.
- Instructions for Submitting
- All screenshots must be from Silkroad Online and fit for the theme we have chosen.
- The deadline for submitting is Feb. 15th, 2007 11:59PM (GMT)
- The screenshot must be a full screenshot without any edits.
- The screenshot can't exceed 1 Megabytes in size.
- "sro1" must be included in the "tags" when the screenshot is submitted. Click here( [url]http://forum.mmosite.com/topics/142/200608/06/8,1.html[/url] ) to know more about "tags".
- Voting Rules
- Only MMOSITE registered users are eligible to vote.
- Each registered user can only vote for an screenshot. Each user vote counts as 1 and can only vote 1 time. How to vote? Make an reply with "i vote for -user-"
- Winner Selection
- Voting scores by the users will determine the winners.
- MMOSITE take a full charge of the winner selection process..
- Prizes
- 1st Prize (1 winner): 50 MMO GOLD
- 2nd Prize (2 winner): 30 MMO GOLD
- 3rd Prize (3 winner): 15 MMO GOLD

By: Deacon | Date: Feb 6 2007 08:38 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 1.66 KB | Hits: 1640
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