- -> BootLoader init boot
- -> BootConstructuer construct boot
- -> errors error object for internal and public error-handling
- -> public formvalidation-/uri-errors; user stuff
- -> internal foobar... log stuff
- -> registry save global values
- -> settings save the settings
- -> core fw core settings
- -> application fw application settings
- -> routing mvc routing table
- -> outputcaseregistrar manage the frontend case by module-name
- i. e. render '/site' as image
- -> config custom configuration
- -> kernel kernel is the base for validation and parsing
- -> headers header-management
- -> params params object
- -> uri parse and manage uri/request
- -> get parse and manage get-data
- -> post parse and manage post-data
- -> file parse and manage file/uploads
- -> session parse and manage sessions
- -> cookie parse and manage cookies
- -> api api-object contains global objects/libraries
- with tools and helpers for controllers/actions
- -> scopes event-classified tools
- -> url-generator
- -> math
- -> database
- ->
- -> uri-forwarder repair broken uri (secure)
- -> dispatcher extract mvc from uri
- -> frontend library for output-elements; connect sub by modulecase (module = case)
- -> theme-manager theme-manager with global properties, fonts and colors
- -> css output api css generator
- -> template template-manager
- -> loader loader
- -> dynamic css generator theme css
- -> css validator css validation
- -> xhtml output api website-generator
- -> template template-manager
- -> loader loader
- -> partials patial-library
- -> forms-manager forms
- -> generator generator
- -> validation validator
- -> xhtml-validator xhtml-validation
- -> meta-auto-keyword-generator
- -> optimizer
- -> comment-handler
- -> whitespace-handler
- -> image api images
- -> image thumbnails etc
- -> dynamic image math-stuff etc
- -> captcha captcha-images
- -> icon matrix 2-bit icon creator
- -> xml api
- -> writer
- -> reader
- -> parser
- -> moduleconstructuer save the modules and set the required fronend-cases
- -> module module
- -> controller
- -> layout
- -> action
- -> view
- -> output
- -> internal errors handler
- -> public errors handler
- ->
By: fruffl | Date: Jan 15 2010 14:11 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 2.69 KB | Hits: 978
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