- /*******************************************************************************
- * shroudBNC - an object-oriented framework for IRC *
- * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Gunnar Beutner *
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
- * GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
- *******************************************************************************/
- #include "StdAfx.h"
- extern "C" {
- #include "md5/global.h"
- #include "md5/md5.h"
- }
- /**
- * ArgTokenize
- *
- * Tokenizes a string (i.e. splits it into arguments). ArgFree must
- * eventually be called on the returned string.
- *
- * @param Data the string
- */
- const char *ArgTokenize(const char *Data) {
- char *Copy;
- size_t LengthData, Size;
- if (Data == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- LengthData = strlen(Data);
- Size = LengthData + 2;
- Copy = (char *)malloc(Size);
- CHECK_ALLOC_RESULT(Copy, malloc) {
- return NULL;
- strmcpy(Copy, Data, Size);
- Copy[LengthData + 1] = ' ';
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LengthData; i++) {
- if (Copy[i] == ' ' && Copy[i + 1] != ' ' && Copy[i + 1] != ' ') {
- Copy[i] = ' ';
- if (i > 0 && Copy[i + 1] == ':') {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return Copy;
- }
- /**
- * ArgParseServerLine
- *
- * Tokenizes a line which was read from an irc server.
- *
- * @param Data the line
- */
- const char *ArgParseServerLine(const char *Data) {
- if (Data != NULL && Data[0] == ':') {
- Data++;
- }
- return ArgTokenize(Data);
- }
- /**
- * ArgGet
- *
- * Retrieves an argument from a tokenized string.
- *
- * @param Args the tokenized string
- * @param Arg the index of the argument which is to be returned
- */
- const char *ArgGet(const char *Args, int Arg) {
- for (int i = 0; i < Arg - 1; i++) {
- Args += strlen(Args) + 1;
- if (Args[0] == ' ') {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- if (Args[0] == ':') {
- Args++;
- }
- return Args;
- }
- /**
- * ArgCount
- *
- * Returns the number of arguments in a tokenized string.
- *
- * @param Args the tokenized string
- */
- int ArgCount(const char *Args) {
- int Count = 0;
- if (Args == NULL) {
- return 0;
- }
- while (true) {
- Args += strlen(Args) + 1;
- Count++;
- if (strlen(Args) == 0) {
- return Count;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * ArgToArray
- *
- * Converts a tokenized string into an array. ArgFreeArray must
- * eventually be called on the returned string.
- *
- * @param Args the tokenized string.
- */
- const char **ArgToArray(const char *Args) {
- int Count = ArgCount(Args);
- const char **ArgArray = (const char **)malloc(Count * sizeof(const char *));
- CHECK_ALLOC_RESULT(ArgArray, malloc) {
- return NULL;
- for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
- ArgArray[i] = ArgGet(Args, i + 1);
- }
- return ArgArray;
- }
- /**
- * ArgRejoinArray
- *
- * "Rejoins" arguments in an array.
- *
- * @param ArgV the array
- * @param Index the index of the first argument which is to be rejoined
- */
- void ArgRejoinArray(const char **ArgV, int Index) {
- int Count = ArgCount(ArgV[0]);
- if (Count - 1 <= Index) {
- return;
- }
- for (int i = Index + 1; i < Count; i++) {
- char *Arg = const_cast<char *>(ArgV[i]);
- if (strchr(Arg, ' ') != NULL || *(Arg - 1) == ':') {
- *(Arg - 1) = ':';
- *(Arg - 2) = ' ';
- } else {
- *(Arg - 1) = ' ';
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * ArgDupArray
- *
- * Duplicates an array of arguments.
- *
- * @param ArgV the array
- */
- const char **ArgDupArray(const char **ArgV) {
- char **Dup;
- size_t Len = 0;
- size_t Offset;
- int Count = ArgCount(ArgV[0]);
- for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
- Len += strlen(ArgV[i]) + 1;
- }
- Dup = (char **)malloc(Count * sizeof(char *) + Len + 2);
- Offset = (char *)Dup + Count * sizeof(char *) - ArgV[0];
- memcpy(Dup, ArgV, Count * sizeof(char *));
- memcpy((char *)Dup + Count * sizeof(char *), ArgV[0], Len + 2);
- for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
- Dup[i] += Offset;
- return (const char **)Dup;
- }
- /**
- * ArgFree
- *
- * Frees a tokenized string.
- *
- * @param Args the tokenized string
- */
- void ArgFree(const char *Args) {
- free(const_cast<char *>(Args));
- }
- /**
- * ArgFreeArray
- *
- * Frees an array of arguments.
- *
- * @param Array the array
- */
- void ArgFreeArray(const char **Array) {
- free(const_cast<char **>(Array));
- }
- /**
- * ArgTokenize2
- *
- * Tokenizes a string and returns it.
- *
- * @param String the string
- */
- tokendata_t ArgTokenize2(const char *String) {
- tokendata_t tokens;
- register unsigned int a = 1;
- size_t Len = min(strlen(String), sizeof(tokens.String) - 1);
- memset(tokens.String, 0, sizeof(tokens.String));
- strmcpy(tokens.String, String, sizeof(tokens.String));
- tokens.Pointers[0] = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Len; i++) {
- if (String[i] == ' ' && String[i + 1] != ' ') {
- if (String[i + 1] == ' ') {
- tokens.String[i] = ' ';
- continue;
- }
- tokens.Pointers[a] = i + 1;
- tokens.String[i] = ' ';
- a++;
- if (a >= 32) {
- break;
- }
- if (String[i + 1] == ':') {
- tokens.Pointers[a - 1]++;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- tokens.Count = a;
- return tokens;
- }
- /**
- * ArgToArray2
- *
- * Constructs a pointer array for a tokendata_t structure. The returned
- * array has to be passed to ArgFreeArray.
- *
- * @param Tokens the tokenized string
- */
- const char **ArgToArray2(const tokendata_t& Tokens) {
- const char **Pointers;
- Pointers = (const char **)malloc(sizeof(const char *) * 33);
- memset(Pointers, 0, sizeof(const char *) * 33);
- CHECK_ALLOC_RESULT(Pointers, malloc) {
- return NULL;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < min(Tokens.Count, 32); i++) {
- Pointers[i] = Tokens.Pointers[i] + Tokens.String;
- }
- return Pointers;
- }
- /**
- * ArgGet2
- *
- * Retrieves an argument from a tokenized string.
- *
- * @param Tokens the tokenized string
- * @param Arg the index of the argument which is to be returned
- */
- const char *ArgGet2(const tokendata_t& Tokens, unsigned int Arg) {
- if (Arg >= Tokens.Count) {
- return NULL;
- } else {
- return Tokens.Pointers[Arg] + Tokens.String;
- }
- }
- /**
- * ArgCount2
- *
- * Returns the number of arguments in a tokenized string.
- *
- * @param Tokens the tokenized string
- */
- unsigned int ArgCount2(const tokendata_t& Tokens) {
- return Tokens.Count;
- }
- /**
- * SocketAndConnect
- *
- * Creates a socket and connects to the specified host/port. You should use
- * SocketAndConnectResolved instead wherever possible as this function uses
- * blocking DNS requests.
- *
- * @param Host the host
- * @param Port the port
- * @param BindIp the ip address/hostname which should be used for binding the socket
- */
- SOCKET SocketAndConnect(const char *Host, unsigned short Port, const char *BindIp) {
- unsigned long lTrue = 1;
- sockaddr_in sin, sloc;
- SOCKET Socket;
- hostent *hent;
- unsigned long addr;
- int code;
- if (Host == NULL || Port == 0) {
- }
- Socket = safe_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
- if (Socket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
- }
- safe_ioctlsocket(Socket, FIONBIO, &lTrue);
- if (BindIp && *BindIp) {
- sloc.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sloc.sin_port = 0;
- hent = gethostbyname(BindIp);
- if (hent) {
- in_addr *peer = (in_addr *)hent->h_addr_list[0];
- sloc.sin_addr.s_addr = peer->s_addr;
- } else {
- addr = inet_addr(BindIp);
- sloc.sin_addr.s_addr = addr;
- }
- safe_bind(Socket, (sockaddr *)&sloc, sizeof(sloc));
- }
- sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sin.sin_port = htons(Port);
- hent = gethostbyname(Host);
- if (hent) {
- in_addr *peer = (in_addr *)hent->h_addr_list[0];
- sin.sin_addr.s_addr = peer->s_addr;
- } else {
- addr = inet_addr(Host);
- sin.sin_addr.s_addr = addr;
- }
- code = safe_connect(Socket, (const sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin));
- #ifdef _WIN32
- if (code != 0 && safe_errno() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {
- #else
- if (code != 0 && safe_errno() != EINPROGRESS) {
- #endif
- safe_closesocket(Socket);
- }
- return Socket;
- }
- /**
- * SocketAndConnectResolved
- *
- * Creates a socket and connects to the specified host/port.
- *
- * @param Host the host's ip address
- * @param BindIp the ip address which should be used for binding the socket
- */
- SOCKET SocketAndConnectResolved(const sockaddr *Host, const sockaddr *BindIp) {
- unsigned long lTrue = 1;
- int Code, Size;
- SOCKET Socket = safe_socket(Host->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
- if (Socket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
- }
- safe_ioctlsocket(Socket, FIONBIO, &lTrue);
- if (BindIp != NULL) {
- safe_bind(Socket, (sockaddr *)BindIp, SOCKADDR_LEN(BindIp->sa_family));
- }
- #ifdef IPV6
- if (Host->sa_family == AF_INET) {
- #endif
- Size = sizeof(sockaddr_in);
- #ifdef IPV6
- } else {
- Size = sizeof(sockaddr_in6);
- }
- #endif
- Code = safe_connect(Socket, Host, Size);
- #ifdef _WIN32
- if (Code != 0 && safe_errno() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {
- #else
- if (Code != 0 && safe_errno() != EINPROGRESS) {
- #endif
- safe_closesocket(Socket);
- }
- return Socket;
- }
- /**
- * NickFromHostname
- *
- * Given a complete hostmask (nick!ident@host) this function returns a copy
- * of the nickname. The result must be passed to free() when it is no longer used.
- *
- * @param Hostmask the hostmask
- */
- char *NickFromHostmask(const char *Hostmask) {
- char *Copy;
- const char *ExclamationMark;
- ExclamationMark = strstr(Hostmask, "!");
- if (ExclamationMark == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- Copy = strdup(Hostmask);
- if (Copy == NULL) {
- LOGERROR("strdup() failed. Could not parse hostmask (%s).", Hostmask);
- return NULL;
- }
- Copy[ExclamationMark - Hostmask] = ' ';
- return Copy;
- }
- /**
- * CreateListener
- *
- * Creates a new listening socket.
- *
- * @param Port the port this socket should listen on
- * @param BindIp the IP address this socket should be bound to
- * @param Family address family (i.e. IPv4 or IPv6)
- */
- SOCKET CreateListener(unsigned short Port, const char *BindIp, int Family) {
- sockaddr *saddr;
- sockaddr_in sin;
- #ifdef IPV6
- sockaddr_in6 sin6;
- #endif
- const int optTrue = 1;
- bool Bound = false;
- SOCKET Listener;
- hostent *hent;
- Listener = safe_socket(Family, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
- if (Listener == INVALID_SOCKET) {
- }
- #ifndef _WIN32
- safe_setsockopt(Listener, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&optTrue, sizeof(optTrue));
- #endif
- #ifdef IPV6
- if (Family == AF_INET) {
- #endif
- sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sin.sin_port = htons(Port);
- saddr = (sockaddr *)&sin;
- #ifdef IPV6
- } else {
- memset(&sin6, 0, sizeof(sin6));
- sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- sin6.sin6_port = htons(Port);
- saddr = (sockaddr *)&sin6;
- #if !defined(_WIN32) && defined(IPV6_V6ONLY)
- safe_setsockopt(Listener, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (char *)&optTrue, sizeof(optTrue));
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- if (BindIp) {
- hent = gethostbyname(BindIp);
- if (hent) {
- #ifdef IPV6
- if (Family = AF_INET) {
- #endif
- sin.sin_addr.s_addr = ((in_addr*)hent->h_addr_list[0])->s_addr;
- #ifdef IPV6
- } else {
- memcpy(&(sin6.sin6_addr.s6_addr), &(((in6_addr*)hent->h_addr_list[0])->s6_addr), sizeof(in6_addr));
- }
- #endif
- Bound = true;
- }
- }
- if (!Bound) {
- #ifdef IPV6
- if (Family == AF_INET) {
- #endif
- sin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- #ifdef IPV6
- } else {
- memcpy(&(sin6.sin6_addr.s6_addr), &in6addr_any, sizeof(in6_addr));
- }
- #endif
- }
- if (safe_bind(Listener, saddr, SOCKADDR_LEN(Family)) != 0) {
- safe_closesocket(Listener);
- }
- if (safe_listen(Listener, SOMAXCONN) != 0) {
- safe_closesocket(Listener);
- }
- return Listener;
- }
- /**
- * UtilSaltedMd5
- *
- * Computes the MD5 hash of a given string and returns
- * a string representation of the hash.
- *
- * @param String the string which should be hashed
- */
- const char *UtilMd5(const char *String, const char *Salt) {
- sMD5_CTX context;
- unsigned char digest[16];
- char *StringAndSalt, *StringPtr;
- static char *SaltAndResult = NULL;
- free(SaltAndResult);
- if (Salt != NULL) {
- asprintf(&StringAndSalt, "%s%s", String, Salt);
- } else {
- asprintf(&StringAndSalt, "%s", String);
- }
- MD5Init(&context);
- MD5Update(&context, (unsigned char *)StringAndSalt, strlen(StringAndSalt));
- MD5Final(digest, &context);
- free(StringAndSalt);
- if (Salt != NULL) {
- SaltAndResult = (char *)malloc(strlen(Salt) + 50);
- strmcpy(SaltAndResult, Salt, strlen(Salt) + 50);
- strmcat(SaltAndResult, "$", strlen(Salt) + 50);
- StringPtr = SaltAndResult + strlen(SaltAndResult);
- } else {
- StringPtr = SaltAndResult = (char *)malloc(50);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- #undef sprintf
- sprintf(StringPtr + i * 2, "%02x", digest[i]);
- }
- return SaltAndResult;
- }
- /**
- * GenerateSalt
- *
- * Generates a salt value which is suitable for use with UtilMd5().
- */
- const char *GenerateSalt(void) {
- static char Salt[33];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(Salt) - 1; i++) {
- do {
- Salt[i] = 0x21 + rand() % (0xFF - 0x21);
- } while (Salt[i] == '$');
- }
- Salt[sizeof(Salt) - 1] = ' ';
- return Salt;
- }
- /**
- * SaltFromHash
- *
- * Returns the salt value for a hash (or NULL if there is none).
- *
- * @param Hash the hash value
- */
- const char *SaltFromHash(const char *Hash) {
- static char *Salt = NULL;
- const char *HashSign;
- HashSign = strchr(Hash, '$');
- if (HashSign == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- free(Salt);
- Salt = (char *)malloc(HashSign - Hash + 1);
- strmcpy(Salt, Hash, HashSign - Hash + 1);
- return Salt;
- }
- /**
- * FlushCommands
- *
- * Destroy a list of commands.
- *
- * @param Commands the list
- */
- void FlushCommands(commandlist_t *Commands) {
- if (Commands != NULL && *Commands != NULL) {
- delete *Commands;
- *Commands = NULL;
- }
- }
- /**
- * DestroyCommandT
- *
- * Destroy a command and frees any resources which it used. This function
- * is used internally by the hashtable which is used for storing commands.
- *
- * @param Command the command which is to be destroyed
- */
- static void DestroyCommandT(command_t *Command) {
- free(Command->Category);
- free(Command->Description);
- free(Command->HelpText);
- free(Command);
- }
- /**
- * AddCommand
- *
- * Adds a command to a list of commands.
- *
- * @param Commands the list of commands
- * @param Name the name of the command
- * @param Category the category of the command (e.g. "Admin" or "User")
- * @param Description a short description of the command
- * @param HelpText the associated help text (can contain embedded \n characters
- */
- void AddCommand(commandlist_t *Commands, const char *Name, const char *Category, const char *Description, const char *HelpText) {
- command_t *Command;
- if (Commands == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- if (*Commands == NULL) {
- *Commands = new CHashtable<command_t *, false, 16>();
- if (*Commands == NULL) {
- LOGERROR("new operator failed. Could not add command.");
- return;
- }
- (*Commands)->RegisterValueDestructor(DestroyCommandT);
- }
- Command = (command_t *)malloc(sizeof(command_t));
- if (Command == NULL) {
- LOGERROR("malloc() failed. Could not add command.");
- return;
- }
- Command->Category = strdup(Category);
- Command->Description = strdup(Description);
- Command->HelpText = HelpText ? strdup(HelpText) : NULL;
- (*Commands)->Add(Name, Command);
- }
- /**
- * DeleteCommand
- *
- * Removes a command from a list of commands.
- *
- * @param Commands the list of commands
- * @param Name the name of the command which is to be removed
- */
- void DeleteCommand(commandlist_t *Commands, const char *Name) {
- if (Commands != NULL && *Commands != NULL) {
- (*Commands)->Remove(Name);
- }
- }
- /**
- * CmpCommandT
- *
- * Compares two commands. This function is intended to be used with qsort().
- *
- * @param pA the first command
- * @param pB the second command
- */
- int CmpCommandT(const void *pA, const void *pB) {
- const hash_t<command_t *> *a = (const hash_t<command_t *> *)pA;
- const hash_t<command_t *> *b = (const hash_t<command_t *> *)pB;
- int CmpCat = strcasecmp(a->Value->Category, b->Value->Category);
- if (CmpCat == 0) {
- return strcasecmp(a->Name, b->Name);
- } else {
- return CmpCat;
- }
- }
- /**
- * DestroyString
- *
- * Frees a string. Used by CHashtable
- *
- * @param String the string
- */
- void DestroyString(char *String) {
- free(String);
- }
- /**
- * IpToString
- *
- * Converts a sockaddr struct into a string.
- *
- * @param Address the address
- */
- const char *IpToString(sockaddr *Address) {
- static char Buffer[256];
- #ifdef _WIN32
- sockaddr *Copy = (sockaddr *)malloc(SOCKADDR_LEN(Address->sa_family));
- DWORD BufferLength = sizeof(Buffer);
- CHECK_ALLOC_RESULT(Copy, malloc) {
- return "<out of memory>";
- memcpy(Copy, Address, SOCKADDR_LEN(Address->sa_family));
- if (Address->sa_family == AF_INET) {
- ((sockaddr_in *)Address)->sin_port = 0;
- } else {
- ((sockaddr_in6 *)Address)->sin6_port = 0;
- }
- WSAAddressToString(Address, SOCKADDR_LEN(Address->sa_family), NULL, Buffer, &BufferLength);
- free(Copy);
- #else
- void *IpAddress;
- if (Address->sa_family == AF_INET) {
- IpAddress = &(((sockaddr_in *)Address)->sin_addr);
- } else {
- IpAddress = &(((sockaddr_in6 *)Address)->sin6_addr);
- }
- inet_ntop(Address->sa_family, IpAddress, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer));
- #endif
- return Buffer;
- }
- /**
- * CompareAddress
- *
- * Compares two sockaddr structs.
- *
- * @param pA the first sockaddr
- * @param pB the second sockaddr
- */
- int CompareAddress(const sockaddr *pA, const sockaddr *pB) {
- if (pA == NULL || pB == NULL) {
- return -1; // two NULL addresses are never equal
- }
- if (pA->sa_family != pB->sa_family) {
- return -1;
- }
- if (pA->sa_family == AF_INET) {
- if (((sockaddr_in *)pA)->sin_addr.s_addr == ((sockaddr_in *)pB)->sin_addr.s_addr) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if (pA->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
- if (((sockaddr_in6 *)pA)->sin6_addr.s6_addr == ((sockaddr_in6 *)pB)->sin6_addr.s6_addr) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 2;
- }
- /**
- * StrTrim
- *
- * Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string.
- *
- * @param String the string
- */
- void StrTrim(char *String) {
- size_t Length = strlen(String);
- size_t Offset = 0, i;
- // remove leading spaces
- for (i = 0; i < Length; i++) {
- if (String[i] == ' ') {
- Offset++;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (Offset > 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < Length; i++) {
- String[i] = String[i + Offset];
- }
- }
- // remove trailing spaces
- while (String[strlen(String) - 1] == ' ') {
- String[strlen(String) - 1] = ' ';
- }
- }
- /**
- * SetPermissions
- *
- * A wrapper for chmod.
- *
- * @param Filename the file
- * @param Modes the new permissions
- */
- int SetPermissions(const char *Filename, int Modes) {
- #ifndef _WIN32
- return chmod(Filename, Modes);
- #else
- return 1;
- #endif
- }
- /**
- * RegisterZone
- *
- * Registers a zone information object.
- *
- * @param ZoneInformation the zone information object
- */
- bool RegisterZone(CZoneInformation *ZoneInformation) {
- if (g_Bouncer != NULL) {
- g_Bouncer->RegisterZone(ZoneInformation);
- return true;
- } else {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- safe_printf("Error in RegisterZone!n");
- #endif
- return false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * FreeString
- *
- * Calls free() on a string.
- *
- * @param String the string
- */
- void FreeString(char *String) {
- free(String);
- }
- /**
- * FreeUString
- *
- * Calls ufree() on a string.
- *
- * @param String the string
- */
- void FreeUString(char *String) {
- ufree(String);
- }
- /**
- * strmcpy
- *
- * Behaves like strncpy. However this function guarantees that Destination
- * will always be zero-terminated (unless Size is 0).
- *
- * @param Destination destination string
- * @param Source source string
- * @param Size size of the Destination buffer
- */
- char *strmcpy(char *Destination, const char *Source, size_t Size) {
- size_t CopyLength = min(strlen(Source), (Size > 0) ? Size - 1 : 0);
- memcpy(Destination, Source, CopyLength);
- Destination[CopyLength] = ' ';
- return Destination;
- }
- /**
- * strmcat
- *
- * Behaves like strncat. However this function guarantees that Destination
- * will always be zero-terminated (unless Size is 0).
- *
- * @param Destination destination string
- * @param Source source string
- * @param Size size of the Destination buffer
- */
- char *strmcat(char *Destination, const char *Source, size_t Size) {
- size_t Offset = strlen(Destination);
- size_t CopyLength = min(strlen(Source), Size - Offset - 1);
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- if (CopyLength != strlen(Source)) {
- DebugBreak();
- }
- #endif
- memcpy(Destination + Offset, Source, CopyLength);
- Destination[Offset + CopyLength] = ' ';
- return Destination;
- }
- #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_WIN32)
- LONG WINAPI GuardPageHandler(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *Exception) {
- char charSymbol[sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + 200];
- SYMBOL_INFO *Symbol = (SYMBOL_INFO *)charSymbol;
- if (Exception->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION) {
- Symbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO);
- Symbol->MaxNameLen = sizeof(charSymbol) - sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO);
- SymFromAddr(GetCurrentProcess(), (DWORD64)Exception->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress, NULL, Symbol);
- Line.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(Line);
- if (SymGetLineFromAddr64(GetCurrentProcess(), (DWORD64)Exception->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress, 0, &Line)) {
- safe_printf("Hit guard page at %s. (%s:%d)n", Symbol->Name, Line.FileName, Line.LineNumber);
- } else {
- safe_printf("Hit guard page at %s.n", Symbol->Name);
- }
- }
- }
- void mstacktrace(void) {
- DWORD FramePointer;
- // return; /* ... */
- __asm mov FramePointer, ebp
- memset(&Frame, 0, sizeof(Frame));
- Frame.AddrPC.Offset = (DWORD64)_ReturnAddress();
- Frame.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
- Frame.AddrFrame.Offset = FramePointer;
- Frame.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
- if (g_Bouncer != NULL) {
- g_Bouncer->Log("---");
- }
- while (StackWalk64(IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386, GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(), &Frame, NULL, NULL, SymFunctionTableAccess64, SymGetModuleBase64, NULL)) {
- char charSymbol[sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + 200];
- SYMBOL_INFO *Symbol = (SYMBOL_INFO *)charSymbol;
- if (Frame.AddrPC.Offset == 0) {
- break;
- }
- Symbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO);
- Symbol->MaxNameLen = sizeof(charSymbol) - sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO);
- SymFromAddr(GetCurrentProcess(), (DWORD64)Frame.AddrPC.Offset, NULL, Symbol);
- if (g_Bouncer != NULL) {
- g_Bouncer->Log("Call from %s", Symbol->Name);
- }
- }
- }
- void mmark(void *Block) {
- DWORD Dummy;
- mblock *RealBlock;
- if (Block == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- RealBlock = (mblock *)Block - 1;
- VirtualProtect(RealBlock, sizeof(mblock), PAGE_READWRITE, &Dummy);
- if (RealBlock->Marker != BLOCKMARKER) {
- return;
- }
- VirtualProtect(RealBlock, sizeof(mblock) + RealBlock->Size, PAGE_READWRITE, &Dummy);
- }
- #endif
- void mclaimmanager(mmanager_t *Manager) {
- Manager->ReferenceCount++;
- }
- void mreleasemanager(mmanager_t *Manager) {
- if (Manager != NULL) {
- Manager->ReferenceCount--;
- if (Manager->ReferenceCount == 0) {
- free(Manager);
- }
- }
- }
- void *mmalloc(size_t Size, CUser *Owner) {
- #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_WIN32)
- DWORD Dummy;
- #endif
- mblock *Block;
- if (Owner != NULL && !Owner->MemoryAddBytes(Size)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_WIN32)
- Block = (mblock *)VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(mblock) + Size, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
- #else
- Block = (mblock *)malloc(sizeof(mblock) + Size);
- #endif
- if (Block == NULL) {
- if (Owner != NULL) {
- Owner->MemoryRemoveBytes(Size);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- Block->Size = Size;
- if (Owner != NULL) {
- Block->Manager = Owner->MemoryGetManager();
- mclaimmanager(Block->Manager);
- } else {
- Block->Manager = NULL;
- }
- #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_WIN32)
- Block->Marker = BLOCKMARKER;
- #endif
- #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_WIN32)
- /* if (Block->Manager != NULL && g_Bouncer != NULL) {
- safe_printf("%p = mmalloc(%d, %p), mgr refcount = %dn", Block + 1, Size, Owner, Owner->MemoryGetManager()->ReferenceCount);
- }*/
- VirtualProtect(Block, sizeof(mblock) + Size, PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_GUARD, &Dummy);
- // mstacktrace();
- #endif
- return Block + 1;
- }
- void mfree(void *Block) {
- mblock *RealBlock;
- unsigned int DebugRefCount;
- if (Block == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- mmark(Block);
- RealBlock = (mblock *)Block - 1;
- #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_WIN32)
- if (RealBlock->Marker == 0xaaaaaaaa) {
- DebugBreak();
- }
- if (RealBlock->Marker != BLOCKMARKER) {
- free(Block);
- return;
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- RealBlock->Marker = 0xaaaaaaaa;
- #endif
- if (RealBlock->Manager != NULL) {
- DebugRefCount = RealBlock->Manager->ReferenceCount - 1;
- }
- if (RealBlock->Manager != NULL && RealBlock->Manager->RealManager != NULL) {
- RealBlock->Manager->RealManager->MemoryRemoveBytes(RealBlock->Size);
- mreleasemanager(RealBlock->Manager);
- }
- #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_WIN32)
- /* if (RealBlock->Manager != NULL && g_Bouncer != NULL) {
- safe_printf("mfree(%p), mgr refcount = %dn", Block, DebugRefCount);
- }*/
- VirtualFree(RealBlock, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
- // mstacktrace();
- #else
- free(RealBlock);
- #endif
- }
- void *mrealloc(void *Block, size_t NewSize, CUser *Manager) {
- #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_WIN32)
- DWORD Dummy;
- #endif
- mblock *RealBlock, *NewRealBlock;
- mmanager_t *NewManager;
- if (Block == NULL) {
- return mmalloc(NewSize, Manager);
- }
- RealBlock = (mblock *)Block - 1;
- mmark(Block);
- if (RealBlock->Manager->RealManager != NULL) {
- RealBlock->Manager->RealManager->MemoryRemoveBytes(RealBlock->Size);
- }
- if (Manager != NULL && !Manager->MemoryAddBytes(NewSize)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_WIN32)
- NewRealBlock = (mblock *)VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(mblock) + NewSize, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
- if (NewRealBlock != NULL) {
- memcpy(NewRealBlock, RealBlock, sizeof(mblock) + RealBlock->Size);
- mfree(Block);
- }
- #else
- NewRealBlock = (mblock *)realloc(RealBlock, sizeof(mblock) + NewSize);
- #endif
- if (NewRealBlock == NULL) {
- if (Manager != NULL) {
- Manager->MemoryRemoveBytes(RealBlock->Size);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- NewRealBlock->Size = NewSize;
- NewManager = Manager->MemoryGetManager();
- mclaimmanager(NewManager);
- mreleasemanager(NewRealBlock->Manager);
- NewRealBlock->Manager = NewManager;
- #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_WIN32)
- NewRealBlock->Marker = BLOCKMARKER;
- VirtualProtect(NewRealBlock, sizeof(mblock) + NewSize, PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_GUARD, &Dummy);
- /* if (NewManager != NULL && g_Bouncer != NULL) {
- safe_printf("%p = mrealloc(%p, %d, %p), mgr refcount = %dn", NewRealBlock + 1, Block, NewSize, Manager, NewManager->ReferenceCount);
- }*/
- // mstacktrace();
- #endif
- return NewRealBlock + 1;
- }
- char *mstrdup(const char *String, CUser *Manager) {
- size_t Length;
- char *Copy;
- Length = strlen(String);
- Copy = (char *)mmalloc(Length + 1, Manager);
- if (Copy == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- mmark(Copy);
- memcpy(Copy, String, Length + 1);
- return Copy;
- }
- extern "C" struct pollfd *registersocket(int Socket) {
- pollfd *PollFd = NULL;
- pollfd NewPollFd;
- bool NewStruct = true;
- CVector<pollfd> *PollFds;
- unregistersocket(Socket);
- PollFds = &(g_Bouncer->m_PollFds);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PollFds->GetLength(); i++) {
- if (PollFds->Get(i).fd == INVALID_SOCKET) {
- PollFd = PollFds->GetAddressOf(i);
- NewStruct = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (NewStruct) {
- PollFd = &NewPollFd;
- }
- PollFd->fd = Socket;
- PollFd->events = 0;
- PollFd->revents = 0;
- if (NewStruct) {
- if (!PollFds->Insert(*PollFd)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- PollFd = PollFds->GetAddressOf(PollFds->GetLength() - 1);
- }
- return PollFd;
- }
- extern "C" void unregistersocket(int Socket) {
- CVector<pollfd> *PollFds;
- PollFds = &(g_Bouncer->m_PollFds);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PollFds->GetLength(); i++) {
- pollfd *PFd = PollFds->GetAddressOf(i);
- if (PFd->fd == Socket) {
- PFd->events = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- const sockaddr *HostEntToSockAddr(hostent *HostEnt) {
- static char Buffer[MAX_SOCKADDR_LEN];
- sockaddr_in *sin4;
- sockaddr_in6 *sin6;
- memset(Buffer, 0, sizeof(Buffer));
- #ifdef IPV6
- if (HostEnt->h_addrtype == AF_INET) {
- #endif
- sin4 = (sockaddr_in *)Buffer;
- sin4->sin_family = AF_INET;
- sin4->sin_port = 0;
- memcpy(&(sin4->sin_addr), HostEnt->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(in_addr));
- #ifdef IPV6
- } else {
- sin6 = (sockaddr_in6 *)Buffer;
- sin6->sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- sin6->sin6_port = 0;
- memcpy(&(sin6->sin6_addr), HostEnt->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(in6_addr));
- }
- #endif
- return (sockaddr *)Buffer;
- }
- bool StringToIp(const char *IP, int Family, sockaddr *SockAddr, socklen_t Length) {
- socklen_t *LengthPtr = &Length;
- memset(SockAddr, 0, Length);
- #ifdef _WIN32
- if (WSAStringToAddress(const_cast<char *>(IP), Family, NULL, SockAddr, LengthPtr) != 0) {
- return false;
- }
- #else
- if (Length < SOCKADDR_LEN(Family)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (inet_pton(Family, IP, SockAddr) <= 0) {
- return false;
- }
- #endif
- return true;
- }
- static int safe_passwd_cb(char *Buffer, int Size, int RWFlag, void *Cookie) {
- int Result;
- char ConfirmBuffer[128];
- if (g_Bouncer->IsDaemonized()) {
- LOGERROR("Password is required to decrypt the SSL certificate. However shroudBNC"
- " is daemonized and cannot read user input. Re-run shroudBNC with --foreground please.");
- g_Bouncer->Fatal();
- return -1;
- }
- if (Size > 128) {
- Size = 128; // nobody could seriously have such a passphrase...
- }
- do {
- safe_print("PEM passphrase: ");
- Result = safe_scan_passwd(Buffer, Size);
- safe_print("n");
- if (Result <= 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (RWFlag == 1) {
- safe_print("Confirm PEM passphrase: ");
- Result = safe_scan_passwd(ConfirmBuffer, sizeof(ConfirmBuffer));
- safe_print("n");
- if (Result <= 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(Buffer, ConfirmBuffer) != 0) {
- safe_print("The passwords you specified do not match. Please try again.n");
- continue;
- }
- }
- break;
- } while (1);
- return strlen(Buffer);
- }
- void SSL_CTX_set_safe_passwd_cb(SSL_CTX *Context) {
- #ifdef USESSL
- SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(Context, safe_passwd_cb);
- #endif
- }

By: Guest | Date: Jun 9 2010 14:22 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 31.34 KB | Hits: 953
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