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ff testuh!
By: Xmoo | Date: Dec 8 2006 16:15 | Format: PHP | Expires: never | Size: 5.69 KB | Hits: 1669

  1. <?php if (is_null($show == psyBNC)) { echo "psyBNC is an easy-to-use, multi-user, permanent IRC-Bouncer with many features.   Some of its features include symmetric ciphering of talk and connections   (Blowfish and IDEA), the possibility of linking multiple bouncers to an internal   network including a shared partyline, vhost- and relay support to connected   bouncers and an extensive online help system. Many other helpful functions are   included. It compiles on Linux, FreeBSD, SunOs and Solaris.<br><br>
  2. Download <a href="linkout.php?out=">psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz</a>"; } ?>
  3.                           <?php if (($show == psyBNC) && ($id == setup)) { echo "Please select your language:<br><br>
  4. <a href="?show=psyBNC&id=setup&lg=nl"><img src="/images/flags/nl.gif"></a> <a href="?show=psyBNC&id=setup&lg=nl">Nederlands</a><br>
  5. <a href="?show=psyBNC&id=setup&lg=en"><img src="/images/flags/uk.gif"></a> <a href="?show=psyBNC&id=setup&lg=en">English</a><br>"; } ?>
  6.                           <?php if (($show == psyBNC) && ($id == setup) && ($lg == en)) { echo "<br />
  7. Paste your ident on the places were you see IDENTD.<br />
  8. <img src="/images/psyBNC/addserv.gif"><br /><br />
  9. Paste your ident on the places were you see IDENTD.<br />
  10. <img src="/images/psyBNC/identd2.gif"><br /><br />
  11. Go to add.<br />
  12. <img src="/images/psyBNC/addserv.gif"><br /><br />
  13. Paste here your personal info of your BNC. <br />
  14. <img src="/images/psyBNC/addserv2.gif"><br /><br />
  15. Set your networks to all and select the good server. Then press connect.<br />
  16. <img src="/images/psyBNC/addserv.gif">"; } ?>
  17. <?php if (($show == psyBNC) && ($id == commands)) { echo "psyBNC Commands: <BR><br>
  18. <SPAN class="style1" style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">/bhelp:</SPAN><BR>      
  19. <TEXTAREA name="textarea2" cols=100 rows=57>{-psyBNC} BHELP - Begin of help
  20. {-psyBNC} BHELP BWHO - Lists all Users on the Bouncer
  21. {-psyBNC} BHELP PASSWORD - Sets your or another Users Password(Admin)
  22. {-psyBNC} BHELP BVHOST - Sets your vhost to connect thru
  23. {-psyBNC} BHELP PROXY - Sets your proxy to connect thru
  24. {-psyBNC} BHELP SETUSERNAME - Sets your User Name
  25. {-psyBNC} BHELP SETAWAY - Sets your away-Text when you leave
  26. {-psyBNC} BHELP SETLEAVEMSG - Sets your Leave-MSG when you leave
  27. {-psyBNC} BHELP LEAVEQUIT - If set to 1, parts all channels on quit
  28. {-psyBNC} BHELP SETAWAYNICK - Sets your nick when you are offline
  29. {-psyBNC} BHELP JUMP - Jumps to the next IRC-Server
  30. {-psyBNC} BHELP BQUIT - Quits your current Server Connection
  31. {-psyBNC} BHELP BCONNECT - Reconnects a bquitted Connection
  32. {-psyBNC} BHELP AIDLE - Enables/Disables Antiidle
  33. {-psyBNC} BHELP AUTOREJOIN - Enables/Disables Auto-Rejoin
  34. {-psyBNC} BHELP ADDSERVER - Adds an IRC-Server to your Serverlist
  35. {-psyBNC} BHELP DELSERVER - Deletes an IRC-Server by number
  36. {-psyBNC} BHELP LISTSERVERS - Lists all IRC-Servers added
  37. {-psyBNC} BHELP ADDOP - Adds a User who may get Op from you
  38. {-psyBNC} BHELP DELOP - Deletes an added User who got Op
  39. {-psyBNC} BHELP LISTOPS - Lists all added Ops
  40. {-psyBNC} BHELP ADDAUTOOP - Adds a User who gets Auto-Op from you
  41. {-psyBNC} BHELP DELAUTOOP - Deletes an added User who got Op
  42. {-psyBNC} BHELP LISTAUTOOPS - Lists all added Auto-Ops
  43. {-psyBNC} BHELP ADDBAN - Adds a ban (global or to a channel)
  44. {-psyBNC} BHELP DELBAN - Deletes a ban by Number
  45. {-psyBNC} BHELP LISTBANS - Lists all bans
  46. {-psyBNC} BHELP ADDASK - Adds a host/bot to ask Op from
  47. {-psyBNC} BHELP DELASK - Deletes a host/bot to ask Op by Number
  48. {-psyBNC} BHELP LISTASK - Lists the hosts/bots to ask Op from
  49. {-psyBNC} BHELP ADDIGNORE - Adds a hostmask/contentfilter to the ignores
  50. {-psyBNC} BHELP DELIGNORE - Deletes a hostmask/contentfilter from the ignores
  51. {-psyBNC} BHELP LISTIGNORES - Lists the currently added ignores
  52. {-psyBNC} BHELP PLAYPRIVATELOG - Plays your Message Log
  53. {-psyBNC} BHELP ERASEPRIVATELOG - Erases your Message Log
  54. {-psyBNC} BHELP ENCRYPT - Encrypts talk to a given channel/user
  55. {-psyBNC} BHELP DELENCRYPT - Deletes an encryption entry by number
  56. {-psyBNC} BHELP LISTENCRYPT - Shows a List of encrypted talks
  57. {-psyBNC} BHELP * BREHASH - Rehashes the proxy and resets all Connections
  58. {-psyBNC} BHELP * MADMIN - Gives a User an Admin flag
  59. {-psyBNC} BHELP * UNADMIN - Removes the Admin flag from a User
  60. {-psyBNC} BHELP * BKILL - Kills a User from the proxy
  61. {-psyBNC} BHELP * SOCKSTAT - Shows/Logs the current Connections
  62. {-psyBNC} BHELP * ADDUSER - Adds a new User to the Bouncer
  63. {-psyBNC} BHELP * DELUSER - Deletes a User from the Bouncer
  64. {-psyBNC} BHELP * PLAYMAINLOG - Plays the Connection Log
  65. {-psyBNC} BHELP * ERASEMAINLOG - Erases the Connection Log
  66. {-psyBNC} BHELP * ADDALLOW - Adds a host allow to connect
  67. {-psyBNC} BHELP * DELALLOW - Deletes a host allow
  68. {-psyBNC} BHELP * LISTALLOW - Lists the host allows on your proxy
  69. {-psyBNC} BHELP SRELOAD - Reloads the Script for the User
  70. {-psyBNC} BHELP LISTTASKS - Lists the current running tasks
  71. {-psyBNC} BHELP * SETLANG - Sets the language (global)
  72. {-psyBNC} BHELP BHELP - Lists this help or help on a topic
  73. {-psyBNC} BHELP Use /QUOTE bhelp <command> for details.
  74. {-psyBNC} BHELP - End of help</TEXTAREA>"; }?>
  75.                           <?php if (($show == psyBNC) && ($id == setup) && ($lg == nl)) { echo "<br />
  76. Vul op de plekken waar IDENTD staat jouw persoonlijke identd in.<br />
  77. <img src="/images/psyBNC/addserv.gif"><br /><br />
  78. Vul op de plek waar IDENTD staat jouw persoonlijke identd in.<br />
  79. <img src="/images/psyBNC/identd2.gif"><br /><br />
  80. Ga naar add.<br />
  81. <img src="/images/psyBNC/addserv.gif"><br /><br />
  82. Vul jouw persoonlijke gegevens in. <br />
  83. <img src="/images/psyBNC/addserv2.gif"><br /><br />
  84. Zet het network op all en klik je juiste server aan. Druk daarna op connect.<br />
  85. <img src="/images/psyBNC/addserv.gif">"; } ?>
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