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Database Final!
By: Xmoo | Date: Jan 28 2009 08:08 | Format: PHP | Expires: never | Size: 1.72 KB | Hits: 923

  1. <?php
  2. include("config.php");
  4. //Creating tabel VerbruikArtikelen
  5. mysql_query("CREATE TABLE VerbruikArtikelen (
  6.  VerbruikID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  7.  DeelnemerID varchar(11) NOT NULL,
  8.  ArtikelID varchar(11) NOT NULL,
  9.  datum date(255) NOT NULL,
  10.  tijd time(255) NOT NULL,
  11.  aantal varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  12.  PRIMARY KEY  (VerbruikID)
  13. )") or die('<b><font color=red>Couldnt make table!</font></b>');
  14.         echo "<font color=green>Table -VerbruikArtikelen- has been succesfully added to the database!<br></font>";
  16. //Creating tabel Verbruikapparatuur
  17. mysql_query("CREATE TABLE Verbruikapparatuur (
  18.  VerbruikaID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  19.  DeelnemerID varchar(11) NOT NULL,
  20.  ApparatuurID varchar(11) NOT NULL,
  21.  vdatum date(255) NOT NULL,
  22.  vtijd time(255) NOT NULL,
  23.  aantal varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  24.  tdatum date(255) NOT NULL,
  25.  ttijd time(255) NOT NULL,
  26.  PRIMARY KEY  (VerbruikaID)
  27. )") or die('<b><font color=red>Couldnt make table!</font></b>');
  28.         echo "<font color=green>Table -Verbruikapparatuur- has been succesfully added to the database!<br></font>";    
  31. //Creating tabel Aanwezigheid
  32. mysql_query("CREATE TABLE Aanwezigheid (
  33.  AanwezigheidID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  34.  DeelnemerID varchar(11) NOT NULL,
  35.  vdatum date(255) NOT NULL,
  36.  vtijd time(255) NOT NULL,
  37.  tdatum date(255) NOT NULL,
  38.  ttijd time(255) NOT NULL,
  39.  PRIMARY KEY  (AanwezigheidID)
  40. )") or die('<b><font color=red>Couldnt make table!</font></b>');
  41.         echo "<font color=green>Table -Aanwezigheid- has been succesfully added to the database!<br></font>";                                                          
  42.         echo "<br>If there were no errors occurred during the install and all the content shown were green collored, please delete install.php from your server.";
  43. ?>