Public paste
death report
By: TATTOO | Date: Dec 29 2010 10:06 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 1.72 KB | Hits: 802

  1. ;Script format
  2. ;  $regml(1) = Version (dm/com/nl/tr)
  3. ;  $regml(2) = Rank integer (1 = Empty Suit, 10 = Assasin etc), made for comparing highranks
  4. ;  $regml(3) = (A), for akill, (BF), for backfire kill, or empty, for normal kill
  5. ;  $regml(4) = Username
  6. ;  $regml(5) = Rank
  7. ;  $regml(6) = Familyrank, Family
  8. ;  $regml(7) = Day
  9. ;  $regml(8) = Month
  10. ;  $regml(9) = Year
  11. ;  $regml(10) = Time
  12. on *:text:*death report* {
  13.   %regex = /|([a-z]{2,3})|(d{1,2})|(.{0,5} )|([a-zA-Z]*)|(.*)|(.*)|(d{2})-(d{2})-(d{4}) (dd:dd:dd)|/
  14.   if ( $regex($1-,%regex) != 0) {
  15.     ;The version we report (separate with an | to prevent confusion)
  16.     %versions = dm|nl
  17.     ;The minimum rank a user should have to send the message (should be a number or the script won't work)
  18.     %minrank = 0
  19.     ;Send only user who are in a family? (use $true or $false, or leave empty)
  20.     %filterfam = $false
  21.     ;Leave the next line as it is plz ;)
  22.     if ( $regml(1) isin %versions && $regml(2) >= %minrank && ( %filterfam != $true || ( $regml(6) != None ) ) ) {
  23.       ;report to all the channels
  24.       if ( $regml(6) == None ) {
  25.         %f = No family
  26.       }
  27.       else {
  28.         %f = $regml(6)
  29.       }
  30.       ;Again, leave the copyright!
  31.       cmsg [Death Report] $regml(3) $+ $+ $regml(4) ( $+ $regml(5) $+ , %f $+ ) Died on  $regml(7) $+ - $+ $regml(8) $+ - $+ $regml(9) $regml(10) on version : $+ $regml(1) $+
  32.     }
  33.   }
  34. }
  36. alias /cmsg {
  37.   ;Place the channels where the message shouldn't be sent to below
  38.   ;Example:  %except = #trace
  39.   %except =
  40.   %n = $chan(0)
  41.   %i = 1
  42.   while ( %i <= %n ) {
  43.     if ( $chan(%i) !isin %except ) {
  44.       /msg $chan(%i) $1-
  45.     }
  46.     /inc %i
  47.   }
  48. }
  49. }