- On Thursday March 6 the Dutch State has planned the fifth attempt to deport Mamadou Diallo (21) to Guinea.
- This time via Brussels and Dakar to Conakry, possibly to avoid Paris where on January 21 a pilot refused to fly Diallo and the attempt to deport Diallo failed. Thanks to protest from passengers on this plane.
- Why the planned deportation on February 18 was canceled remains unclear. The date of validity of the Titre de Voyage expired on February 21. How DT&V got hold of a new Titre de Voyage in such short time...(wild guess, it's still not a valid titre de voyage).
- Although the inquiries to the falsity of the Titres de Voyage is not finalized and Diallo still awaits the ruling of the proceedings against detention, DT&V is unstoppable. Apparently DT&V has been given Carte Blanche to deport Diallo via Dakar.
- Diallo's lawyer has submitted the dubious deportation papers to three courts and requested DT&V to see the signature of the staff member from the Embassy for authentication.
- Despite the now numerous indications that the origin of the papers are not correct, the Court does not want to heed the call.
- The DT&V maintains that the papers are legal and valid (even though several refugees, on several expulsion attempts, where denied access at the Guinean border due to these papers). The Embassy insists they do not sign any papers for expulsions. What makes the Dutch courts unwilling to establish the truth? What game is being played here and at the expense of what price?
- Because it is a game: the more complex the deportation the greater the challenge and the reward.
- Diallo awaits the self-righteous look of the DT&V person in charge, like a Zimbabwean refugee once described as: "He looked at me with a big smile like he ' ld say:" Finally you see, I got you! -It's a game for them. "
- =======================================================================
- Call for Mobilizing!
- Protest via mail to:
- the Guinean Embassy: ambaguinee.bruxelles@yahoo.fr or ambassadeguinee.bel@skynet.be
- Protest via mail to:
- the DT&V Manager: B.Dorst@DTV.minvenj.nl
- Protest via phone or mail to:
- NBA (Brussels Airlines) tel: 0032 27238400
- email: gsciot@brusselsairlines.com
- Deportation date: March 6, 2014
- =========================================================
- Flights:
- SN205 > 10.30 Brussels > 16.45 Dakar
- SN205> 17.45 Dakar> 19.05 Conakry
- ==============================================================
- Roughly translated article on Diallo. Here in Dutch:
- http://deportatieverzet.nl/daillo-vijfde-deportatiepoging/
- Read more about Diallo (Dutch):
- http://deportatieverzet.nl/diallo-het-geweld-van-de-dienst-terugkeer-en-vertrek/
- http://www.occupyrotterdam.org/2014/03/wekenlange-gijzeling-diallo-in-isolatie-wordt-keer-op-keer-verlengd/#.UxXZ0aVa68Q
- http://www.doorbraak.eu/protesteer-tegen-vijfde-poging-om-guinese-vluchteling-diallo-te-deporteren/
- Diallo; the violence of the Dutch Departure & Return Service (DT&V)
- http://nopaste.nl/e0BLdSaWTo
Diallo: fifth deportation attempt! = Netherlands
By: Diallo: fifth deportation | Date: Mar 5 2014 12:51 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 3.02 KB | Hits: 1164
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