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Diallo; the violence of the Dutch Service Return and Departure (DT&V)
By: Diallo; the violence of t | Date: Feb 13 2014 20:02 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 5.54 KB | Hits: 1240

  1. Diallo; the violence of the Dutch Service Return and Departure (DT&V)
  3. Mamadou Diallo, refugee from Guinea-Conakry, is merely 21 years old. He has endured more horrors in his life than many adult has. On Tuesday February 18 the DT&V will try to deport him, for the third time, to Guinea.
  5. The Action and support-group ''Work-group Deportation Resistance'' focuses on hard actions.
  7. In the past year, the DT&V in has tried in many ways to destroy and deport Diallo,who fled the violence in Guinea. What happened?
  9. February 2013: DT&V detains Diallo in the detention center, Rotterdam.
  10. In May and June 2013  DT&V becomes talk of the town due to the dubious travel documents used in expulsions to Guinea. Although the Guinean Embassy claims they do not give out so-called ''Titres de Voyage'' on forced expulsions, these travel documents keep turning up.
  11. Some of those documents have ''fake'' photo's on them and some documents have custom data and signatures of non-existent employees of the Guinea Embassy in Brussels. Following this uproar the ''Commission of Integral Monitoring Return'' launches an investigation into the origin of the papers. Thus far there is no clarity about the outcome of the investigation.
  13. December 2013: Diallo is told he will be deported to Guinea. His lawyer receives a copy of a ''Titre de Voyage'' signed November 21, 2013. The sequence number on this travel document does not match earlier ''Titres de Voyage'' and the Guinea Embassy maintains: they do not sign travel documents in case of forced deportations.
  15. The first deportation attempt on December 19, 2013 is called off by ''DT&V''. (For reasons still unknown).
  17. Less than a month later 'DT&V' make known they want to have another go at Diallo and proceed the deportation. On January 20, 2014 Diallo, in utterly despair, tries to commit suicide. This attempt fails.
  19. The following day, January 21, 2014, Diallo is handcuffed and escorted – by four Marechaussee- officers (State Police) into a plane
  20. Diallo's ''luggage'' mysteriously disappears and his shoes are missing as well.
  22. In Paris Diallo has to board another plane which will fly him to Conakry. Diallo calls out to his fellow passengers, telling them he is being deported against his will. The officers try to stop him, and in there attempt to refrain Diallo from shouting out to his fellow passengers, they choke him and squeeze his mouth and nose shut.
  24. Passengers protest fiercely and start filming Diallo and the State Police. The police officers response by pushing Diallo between the seats, holding him against the floor and kicking his legs. The passengers protest in such manor that the French police eventually decides to remove Diallo and the State police from the aircraft. Diallo is flown back to The Netherlands.
  26. After his return Diallo is, despite his bruised legs and obvious strangle marks on his throat, placed in an isolation cell. He does not receive any medical care.
  28. The Direction of detention center Rotterdam is afraid they have another ''Dolmatov'' on their hands. Diallo's personal stuff is still missing, without any trace. Diallo can not eat for three days because of the strangulation attempts by the State Police.
  30. Early February 2014: Diallo is locked up in detention for a year now and is placed in a semi-isolate regime: four hours a day he is allowed to visit the ''department''. Under permanent supervision of a guard. The rest of the day and the night Diallo is locked up in the isolation cell.
  32. Diallo's contact person inquires at the Executive Board of the detention center about the reason why Diallo has to stay for so many days in an isolate regime.
  34. The detention center answers:  Diallo can get out as soon as he signs a paper stating that he will not attempt suicide. A staff member of the detention center states: "then we will no longer be responsible". Inquiry with Diallo learns that no one ever has offered him such a paper and that the psychologist said: ' he can forget about getting out of the isolation cell '. Mamadou Diallo states:"I am devastated"
  36. The ''DT&V” has now announced a third deportation attempt on Tuesday February 18.
  38. The CITT research to the origin of the Guinean travel documents gave no clarity yet but the DT&V is apparently determined not to await the outcome of the CITT's research nor do they await the judge's ruling on Diallo's objection procedure. This ruling is expected next week.
  40. Regarding the fact that Diallo successfully resisted deportation last time, by involving his fellow passengers, the chance that DT&V will take heavy measures is very likely. Especially because Diallo's ''Titre de Voyage'' expires on February 21.
  42. It is not inconceivable that DT&V will take refuge to forced inhibition of antidepressant medication and send along a disproportionate  police team. The team will be ''in citizen clothes'' of course, with an innocent-looking backpack, stuffed with 'control goodies '.
  44. Work-group Deportation Resistance supports Mamadou Diallo in his attempts to resist and stop deportation to a country full of violence and poverty. The Work-group will take action against the deportation in various ways.
  46. The first call is to send protest mails to the Guinean Embassy (via or and the Director Manager DT&V (via
  48. Details on further actions will follow soon.
  50. (Roughly translated article and call out. Original in Dutch: )