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Thirst and hunger striker Nessar transported to Judicial Medical Center. Against his will!
By: Thirst and hunger striker | Date: May 12 2013 20:36 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 1.59 KB | Hits: 1155

  1. May 12, 2013
  2. Thirst and hunger striker Nessar transported to Judicial Medical Center. Against his will!
  4. This afternoon the executive board of detention center Rotterdam announced that Sayam Udin Na, spokesman for the Group of thirst and hunger strikers of imprisoned ‘illegal’s’, is transferred to the  Judicial medical centre in Scheveningen.
  6. Yesterday Nessar  signed a declaration in which he explicitly stated that he refused hospitalization, force-fed and medication, even if he would lose consciousness, but the service ‘Justitiële Inrichtingen’ simply ignores this statement in an attempt to break the thirst and hunger strike of Nessar and others and thereby willingly ignores the demands of the thirst and hungerstrikers.
  8. Nessar was already isolated from the group by placement in an empty section in the detention center in a cell in which the temperature was intentionally held too low and in which he only had a thin mattress.
  10. Despite the fact that Nessar’s condition became criticial yesterday -due to kidney failure- and the doctors therefore stated that he had to be left alone, the board gave orders to keep  Nessar awake last night.
  12. DJI  refused access by an independent physician team that wanted to visit Nessar and the other thirst and hungerstrikers in detention center Rotterdam.
  15. Source (Dutch)
  17. (may 11 2013)Statement Physician about the hunger (and thirst) strikers in the detention center (for 'illegals'), Rotterdam