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Bad "from" property in private message thru transport
By: Guest | Date: May 25 2014 22:37 | Format: XML | Expires: never | Size: 742 B | Hits: 856

  1. 18:35:47 <-- <message type="chat"
  2.         to=" in
  3.         california" xml:lang="en"
  4.         id="05639bdf-cfe1-4796-835c-aed6ae29d933-18F5"><body>i dunno, i
  5.          thought it&apos;d be logical to ask</body><active
  6.         xmlns="" /></message>
  7. 18:35:59 --> <message
  8.         from="
  9." type="chat"
  10.         to=""
  11.         id="05639bdf-cfe1-4796-835c-aed6ae29d933-18F7"><body>:-)</body><active
  12.          xmlns="" /></message>