Public paste
By: dsf | Date: Nov 1 2007 17:17 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 3.31 KB | Hits: 1397

  1. (17:35) steve10120:     FileFusion
  2. (17:35) steve10120:     the hacker
  3. (17:35) steve10120:     what u got then
  4. (17:35) -== Fuck the gov:       lol xD
  5. (17:35) -== Fuck the gov:       honoeezz i owned y board
  6. (17:36) steve10120:     fuckin dick
  7. (17:36) steve10120:     bet u aint got shit
  8. (17:36) steve10120:     without passes
  9. (17:36) steve10120:     you aint got nething
  10. (17:36) -== Fuck the gov:       :')
  11. (17:36) -== Fuck the gov:       i g0t shit
  12. (17:36) activespy@hotmai:       lool
  13. (17:36) steve10120:     proove it mothafucka
  14. (17:36) steve10120:     show us the passes you got then
  15. (17:36) steve10120:     eh?
  16. (17:37) -== Fuck the gov:       why should i ?
  17. (17:37) steve10120:     cos I don't beleive you got anything
  18. (17:37) steve10120:     you aint got anything to loose have you
  19. (17:37) steve10120:     just paste the pass you think u have
  20. (17:37) steve10120:     not hard is it
  21. (17:38) activespy@hotmai:       mate wait pls
  22. (17:38) activespy@hotmai:       im browsing on internet so i hadnt understandede
  23. (17:38) activespy@hotmai:       what i need to do?
  24. (17:38) steve10120:     not you man
  25. (17:38) steve10120:     filefusion
  26. (17:38) -== Fuck the gov:       np
  27. (17:38) -== Fuck the gov:       onoezz don't ddos me
  28. (17:38) activespy@hotmai:       resay it pls dude
  29. (17:39) steve10120:     say what man?
  30. (17:39) activespy@hotmai:       what u need dude?
  31. (17:39) activespy@hotmai:       i cannot understand
  32. (17:39) steve10120:     filefusion hacked your site aspy
  33. (17:39) steve10120:     he thinks hes got the vip passes
  34. (17:39) activespy@hotmai:       nahhh
  35. (17:39) steve10120:     i want him to proove what hes got
  36. (17:40) activespy@hotmai:       only gotten dump of dbase
  37. (17:40) activespy@hotmai:       ancient dbase^^
  38. (17:40) activespy@hotmai:       i hadnt vip rar pw saved on my forum^^
  39. (17:40) steve10120:     ooo
  40. (17:40) steve10120:     so he aint got shit then
  41. (17:40) steve10120:     haha
  42. (17:40) steve10120:     fukin n00b
  43. (17:40) -== Fuck the gov:       i r not a n00b
  44. (17:41) -== Fuck the gov:       becuz i owned y site
  45. (17:41) -== Fuck the gov:       BITCH
  46. (17:41) steve10120:     proove what you got then mothafucka
  47. (17:41) steve10120:     or can't you?
  48. (17:41) activespy@hotmai:       you fucked my forum ??
  49. (17:41) -== Fuck the gov:       you can't get to me...
  50. (17:41) -== Fuck the gov:       yes activespy
  51. (17:41) -== Fuck the gov:       i r not sorry
  52. (17:42) -== Fuck the gov: plzz read this
  53. (17:42) steve10120:     you can't get to me...
  54. (17:42) steve10120:     what the fuck is that supposed to mean
  55. (17:42) steve10120:     all i mean is
  56. (17:42) steve10120:     just proove what VIP shit you got
  57. (17:42) steve10120:     by showing us the passes
  58. (17:42) activespy@hotmai:       yeah prove this!
  59. (17:42) steve10120:     bet u fukin can't
  60. (17:42) -== Fuck the gov:       man im so tired of your fucking n00b screams
  61. (17:43) steve10120:     lol
  62. (17:43) activespy@hotmai:       hahahhaah
  63. (17:43) activespy@hotmai:       this guy fucked my forum??
  64. (17:43) steve10120:     yeah
  65. (17:43) -== Fuck the gov:       yes i did
  66. (17:43) activespy@hotmai:       maybe is possible because was not so updated and all n00b try all exploit found on net^^
  67. (17:43) -== Fuck the gov:       it's not a xploit
  68. (17:44) -== Fuck the gov:       or maybe it is
  69. (17:44) -== Fuck the gov:       choose something
  70. (17:44) steve10120:     doesnt matter
  71. (17:44) steve10120:     you got fuck all
  72. (17:44) steve10120:     so
  73. (17:44) steve10120:     hahahaha
  74. (17:44) activespy@hotmai:       hihihih
  75. (17:45) -== Fuck the gov:       dont add me bitch
  76. (17:45) -== Fuck the gov:       anything to say ?
  77. (17:45) -== Fuck the gov:       Becuzz i need to code some shit