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Statement Physician about the hunger (and thirst) strikers in the detention center (for 'illegals'), Rotterdam
By: Statement Physician about | Date: May 11 2013 10:40 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 2.01 KB | Hits: 1349

  1. Statement Physician about the hunger (and thirst) strikers in the detention center (for 'illegals'), Rotterdam
  3. The hunger strikers have asked for independent doctors to visit them and who can possibly accompany them. We assembled a team of doctors from different disciplines, who want to get into the detention centers this weekend.
  5. The detention center Rotterdam states that there is already an independent doctor who had a look at the hunger and thirst strikers, who checked them out an talked to them.
  7. I have spoken with this lady doctor, but it  turns out she is closely linked to the Dutch justice system and is therefore not independent.
  9. Furthermore, the hunger strikers that we have spoken with, have not at all been visited by her. The information given by the detention center Rotterdam thus is inaccurate.
  11. Not having access to the hunger and thirst strikers concerns us deeply!
  13. Even in the Ukraine, Mrs. Timoshenko has been visited by independent doctors during her hunger strike. Among others, also the Dutch Government has put pressure that she would be visited by independent medical doctors
  14. .
  15. We had gladly gone to court for summary proceedings in order to enter ASAP as an independent medical team.
  16. But the lawyer wanted to sleep on it, and gets back at it on Monday.
  18. Other lawyers could not be reached, nor the ministries or Ombudsman, closed due to holidays.
  20. I am now on the visitors list for this weekend, unfortunately not as a doctor, so our hands are tied.
  23. It will be difficult to get an overview of the situation and the medical help that is given.
  25. We have a medical team on standby, while the detention center Rotterdam states refutable untruths, yet it looks like we won’t get in this weekend.
  27. Once again, we want to express our grave concerns, but we will proceed.
  30. Elcke Bonsen,
  32. Physician
  35. The above is a translation of the statement by Elcke Bonsen, physician.
  36. Source (Dutch):