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lolchat :D
By: sweetcat | Date: Aug 16 2007 03:57 | Format: None | Expires: never | Size: 2.62 KB | Hits: 1303

  1. 04:36 <%Pado> [04:34] <Changa> You have witnessed Sweetcat kill Forewern. To auction this witness statement use the
  2.               following
  3. 04:36 <%Pado> WTF
  4. 04:36 <%Pado> Sweetcat?
  5. 04:36 <%Pado> bringing the fam in danger?
  6. 04:36 <%Pado> OMFG
  7. 04:36 <&Winraider> Sweetcat
  8. 04:36 <&Winraider> pm please
  9. 04:36 <%Evildark^almost^sleeping> oh no
  10. 04:36 <&Winraider> #sweetcat
  11. 04:36 <%Evildark^almost^sleeping> better start traveling
  12. 04:37 <&Winraider> pls join
  13. 04:37 <&Hal[L]Sinbad> who the hell give permission for kill Sweetcat
  14. 04:37 <@Wilder> no permission granted from me
  15. 04:38 <%Pado> Sweetcat here?
  16. 04:38 <%Evildark^almost^sleeping> Sweetcat has been idle 35mins 37secs, signed on Mon Aug 13 06:13:04
  17. 04:38 <%Pado> f...
  18. 04:40 <%jpoker> ouch
  19. 04:40 <%jpoker> wtf
  20. 04:40 <%Evildark^almost^sleeping> lemme go to LBF gptta buy food to my gun
  21. 04:42 <%Sweetcat> sorry people
  22. 04:42 <%Sweetcat> had to do it for a friend
  23. 04:42 <%Sweetcat> just kick me :]
  24. 04:42 <@Wilder> fuck u
  25. 04:42 <%Pado> no panic folks... such things happen ;)
  26. 04:43 <%Sweetcat> thansk for the nice time here anyway
  27. 04:43 <%Pado> [04:36] <%Pado> Sweetcat?
  28. 04:43 <%Pado> [04:36] <%Pado> bringing the fam in danger?
  29. 04:43 <%Pado> nice :((
  30. 04:43 <%Sweetcat> yeh sorry mate
  31. 04:43 <%Sweetcat> can't be bored all the time ;)
  32. 04:43 <@Wilder> sorry my ass
  33. 04:43 <@Wilder> sorry my ass
  34. 04:43 -!- donadidi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 241 seconds]
  35. 04:43 <&Winraider> ok no harsh words
  36. 04:43 <&Winraider> lets try to save the fam
  37. 04:44 <%Pado> idd
  38. 04:44 <&Winraider> done is done
  39. 04:44 <%Evildark^almost^sleeping> yup
  40. 04:44 <@Wilder> kick her
  41. 04:44 <%Pado> [04:42] <%Sweetcat> just kick me :] <--- good idea Sweetcat
  42. 04:44 <&Winraider> ok guys let us tops try to work it out
  43. 04:45 <&Winraider> sweetcat we gonna need all your money
  44. 04:45 <&Winraider> to pay compo
  45. 04:45 <&Winraider> how much can you send
  46. 04:45 <%lightglobes> Wealth  I Very rich
  47. 04:45 <&Winraider> awsome
  48. 04:45 <&Winraider> Sweetcat
  49. 04:46 <%Pado> Winraider handle this with Hal[L]Sinbad in top talk pls? tx ;)
  50. 04:46 <&Winraider> can u send it to the fam bank
  51. 04:47 <%Sweetcat> lol
  52. 04:47 <%Sweetcat> Winraider: i'm not gonna send any money lol
  53. 04:47 <%Sweetcat> kick me or kill mel...
  54. 04:47 <&Winraider> does this fam mean so little to you?
  55. 04:47 <%Sweetcat> yeh.. sorry :)
  56. 04:47 <&Winraider> okies
  57. 04:48 <&Winraider> sorry to hear it
  58. 04:48 <%Pado> Rizzuto always had loyal members, ya f... should be ashamed of this Sweetcat
  59. 04:48 <&Winraider> ok Sweetcat
  60. 04:49 <&Winraider> your on your own
  61. 04:49 <&Winraider> u r not the type we want in this family
  62. 04:49 <&Winraider> good bye